What are the chances of actually getting lung cancer from smoking?
I'm 19, and have only smoked for maybe a year, but my parents always smoked so I got second hand smoke form that mostly all my life. But I'm just wondering what are the chances of actually getting lung cancer from smoking?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
Pretty High, I guess. Im 18 and i have been smoking since 8th grade. I am currentyl a senior so thats about 4 years. I have had bronchitis 2 times and my doctor told me its from smoking too much. And that getting too many sicknesses from smoking can definitely lead to lung, throat, and mouth cancer. But i dont care. I still smoke but i think it would be a smart choice to quit but id rather not
2 :
Its pretty high, but lung cancer isnt the only cancer to worry about. Throat, tounge, mouth, stomache, ect ect.. Smoking can be linked to all cancers in that cancer emerges when the immune system is down and smoking lowers the immune system. The benzene in commercial cigs is more than likely what caused my leukemia. Family smoked indoors for as long as I can remember, I started at 13, diagnosed at 21, relapsed at 23 and am 24 in remission and smoke free for one year.
3 :
According to the anti-smoker numbers, (not at all the best source, - they'll 'lie like a rug` to advance their case), smoking increases the risk of cancer by 30%. Sounds serious! The over-all population risk is 5% so .3 x .05 = 1.5% increase in risk. As to the "second hand smoke" risk, considering the concentrations involved and to quote Johnny Cochran, "It just doesn't make sense." That said, if you're 19, give up the habit. It is: not healthy, expensive, a social liability, and does adversely effect your stamina and general well being.
4 :
about 1 in 4 as an active smoker. yup-scary,huh? passive will be lower than than, but I can't remember the exact amount.
5 :
Pretty damn good. My mom died of lung cancer, and let me tell you, you do NOT want to die like this. Lung cancer is called a "small cell cancer" What that means is, the cancer cells are teeny tiny, and this enables them to spread all over in your bloodstream, and they basically end up all over your body, in other organs. My moms started in her lungs, then spread to her liver, brain, stomach, and lymph system. Very nasty stuff. Also, they say that smoking is SO BAD for your heart, that it actually causes much more heart disease, than it does lung cancer. Also, it affects circulation, so your skin gets less blow flow, causing wrinkles, so you will age quicker and look like a biker slut by the time you're in your 30's. You need to stop NOW. I'm serious. Go hang out at the Oncology department at your local hospital for a while. That's your future if you don't stop smoking. P.S. Second hand smoke is nowhere near as bad as smoking.
6 :
Very high. The other cancers to worry about are bad too! Mouth, esophageal, throat, etc.
7 :
If you keep on smoking your chances of developing lung cancer are about 20%. However, you must also add additional percentages because of your high risk of developing tongue, tonsil, throat, bladder and stomach cancer plus a few others. Throat cancer is a much tougher way to die than lung cancer and a smoker's risk of developing throat cancer is almost as high as their risk of lung cancer. Besides this a smoker also needs to consider the very high risk of developing emphesyma and COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Risk for either or both is much higher than your risk of developing cancer. Imagine spending the last 25 years of your life being unable to take a deep breath and being teathered to an oxygen tank. It would suck. Last but not least, smoking narrows your blood vessels and if you are a man this especially includes the blood vessels that fill your genitals. Being relatively young and impotent is not fun for either you or your partner. That's about it except for you wasting enough money to buy a new BMW and you smelling like an ash tray to anyone who does not smoke and still has their sense of smell. Quit now if you want to live a vital life.
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