Monday, April 28, 2008

How long do lung cancer patients survive untreated

How long do lung cancer patients survive untreated?
I do not have lung cancer, but I'm somewhat curious b/c someone I know may and are waiting for the confirmation.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it all depends on how bad it is now, and what type.
2 :
Three to six months.
3 :
I was told 2-4 months without treatment with my lung cancer dx.
4 :
What the doctor's do is take the type of cancer and severity of it, and take an average survival rate. Now with my mom, she had the small cell lung cancer. They told her 3-6 months untreated. It was stage 4. So it will depend on the stage of the cancer too. Treated they said up to 18 months. But because they really don't know, you can't really go by the prediction. My mom was treated, and she passed away within 4 months.
5 :
This is one of those impossible to answer questions. To have a statistically relevant answer you need to take a large, random group of diagnosed lung cancer patients, at various stages, and refuse all treatment, then monitor how long it takes them to die. I doubt that any ethical society would allow this to occur. Once someone is diagnosed, they are normally told at what stage their disease is at, what treatments are available and what their survival chances are based on this information.

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