Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What type of things I can talk about in my presentation about a Lung cancer walk

What type of things I can talk about in my presentation about a Lung cancer walk?
What type of things I can talk about in my presentation about a Lung cancer walk?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
lung cancer -signs, symptoms, treatment, education, more advice from the American Lung Association.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can you get lung cancer from smoking one time

Can you get lung cancer from smoking one time?
I guess the question kind of explains itself but I tried a cigarette for the first time last night and I dont plan on doing it again so can get I get lung cancer from just the one time? I only smoked half of it before I stopped.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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No, you cannot get lung cancer from smoking one time. However, nonsmokers can develop lung cancer. Cancer can develop over time from breathing in second-hand smoke, pollution and other carcinogenic materials. Don't worry about you smoking that one time- damage to the lungs is repaired and contaminant particles are gradually removed over time (assuming you don't smoke again!)
2 :
Don`t worry, of course not but don`t do that again.
3 :
of course not. but i would still not try it anyways. lung cancer comes from years of constant smoking but it is still not a good habit to pick up
4 :
Nah, it takes years and many thousands of cigarettes.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why do we assume that non-smokers with lung cancer contracted it from second-hand smoke

Why do we assume that non-smokers with lung cancer contracted it from second-hand smoke?
Medical websites list the many ways to get lung cancer and many will state that doctors cannot say for certain where the cancer came from. What I mean by "we" is that often when the subject a non-smoker dying of lung cancer comes up, its followed with sentiments such as "...and thats why we gotta get smoking banded in saloons." Not that smoking is "good for you," but this is usually the first reaction, and not something like "...thats why Los Angeles is dangerous, there's too much smog and pollution." So Christopher Reeve's wife was stuck in rooms with second hand smoke for too much time of her life??? It must not have anything to do with the environment, which we are all to blame for? Its because of smokers?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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Consider that if you smoke a pack a day for fifty years and finally get lung cancer (it often takes that long to affect the actual person smoking) then how could the second hand smoke possibly be the cause of cancer in someone who doesn't smoke at all?
2 :
Who's we? Throughout my lifetime I have been made aware of several differant causes of lung cancer, although smoking and the offspring of it is the #1 cause. Many truck drivers have contracted lung cancer from their cargo. Mostly grain drivers but there are other instances as well. Pipe Fitters especially those employeed before asbestos was outlawed are likely to contract lung cancer, also painters, construction workers, countertop finishers (granite and corian) . The list is quite long. So with all of these differant occupations effected I really don't know who we is because many lives have been effected.
3 :
because, an active smoker inhales less smoke (with nicotine) than passive smoker.. why? because, a cigarette has a filter so less nicotines are being inhaled, unlike in the case of passive smokers that inhales the smoke without a filter,.
4 :
Cancers have to be caused by something. An acidic body will encourage cancer growth but cancer needs a catalyst or carcinogen to start the cancer growth. For most people, the only carcinogens they come across in the air are second hand smoke, dust in the air, and other air pollution from industry and cars. If dust in the air from natural events caused so much cancer to be a leading cause, we would have known about it long ago. While air pollution from industry and cars is more prevalent then second hand smoke, it's not as concentrated as being stuck in a room with smokers day in, day out for years on end and it's the concentration that overwhelms the body's ability to get rid of it. While doctors may not be able to say exactly what caused any one case of lung cancer, the statistics show a strong correlation between second hand smoke and increased frequency of lung cancer.
5 :
There has never been a study performed to prove that 2nd hand smoking has ever contributed to lung cancer. But that doesn't mean I would go near second hand smoke.
6 :
I have never heard that, but if people say that, it is due to ignorance. Everybody is an expert, you know what I mean?
7 :
It could be from various other things but hey if I were to get lung cancer I'm going to blame my parents and myself I smoked for 11 years and before that I inhaled the smoke from my parents.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

What are the symptoms and stages of progress of Lung Cancer

What are the symptoms and stages of progress of Lung Cancer?
What exactly are the symptoms of Lung Cancer? & What are the stages of progress? Thanks! <3
Cancer - 3 Answers
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I dont know the stages but my step grandpa died of it in 2004. You start to get "night sweats" and you start to shake at random instances during the day. You feel dizzy and have almost flu like symptoms. If you ever get night sweats though you should go to the doctor ASAP. That the biggest sign of it.
2 :
that's a loaded question. there are different types of lung cancer and many times, the person isn't aware of it until there are outward signs such as a lump or if something shows up on an x-ray. see the cancer society web site for staging information
3 :
I can only speak from experience. I thought I had bronchitis, went in for antibiotics, had an xray, suspicious shadow found.. follow up CT scan showed a strong possibility of lung cancer so went for biopsy. Stage iv non small lung cancer was found. Other than that, I had no other symptoms. I had extensive chemo, which had no wide effects on my tumors but have helped keep me stable for the past 3 years. Progression I was told would be distant metastasis eventually to other organs. Prognosis for me was less than a year of life with treatment, its now nearly three years with no progression. Its a daily fight winning one battle at a time, weather I win the war tho is a whole different story and one I am never too sure about. Time frames are different for everyone. I live for the future, and not worry about today. Right now, each day is a gift.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Lung Cancer: What might we expect to see now that is has reached her liver

Lung Cancer: What might we expect to see now that is has reached her liver?
My mom has stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to her bone and has recently invaded her liver. By the grace of god she has been able to fight this for 2 years now. She'll be doing at least 2 rounds of a different chemo and then a scan before moving on. But we are wondering what we can expect see, symptom-wise, when her liver begins to fail.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is it possible for chronic bronchitis to turn into lung cancer

Is it possible for chronic bronchitis to turn into lung cancer?
What are the chances of getting lung cancer before the age of 20? Can you get it after smoking 2, 4 or 6 years? And back to my original question, can chronic bronchitis turn into lung cancer?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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Well, first of all, chronic bronchitis is a condition usually found in the elderly so I'd be very surprised if you have that if you're not even 20. Second, I don't think it does turn into lung cancer since it's a standalone chronic condition by itself. However, it may weaken your body so that it will be easier to get lung cancer. If you're a smoker, it will take many years before you end up getting lung cancer. I've never heard of anyone who smokes getting lung cancer before their 50s or later. It is guaranteed to happen though, yes.
2 :
Um, I'm not sure but I don't think bronchitis can turn to cancer.
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Chronic bronchitis will not turn into lung cancer, but people who have chronic bronchitis from smoking can also get cancer from smoking. It takes longer than a few years for most people to develop their cancers, but I've taken care of patients in their 40's with lung cancer. That may seem old to you now, but it won't when you're 40! Yesterday, I gave anesthesia to 3 patients with lung cancer. One had a wedge of lung taken out, one had a biopsy but was closed up because the tumor was unresectable, and the third had about a gallon and a half of bloody fluid taken off from around his left lung - likely malignant. Don't smoke. The end is ugly.
4 :
No chronic bronchitis does not lead to lung cancer however it does lead to pneumonia and once one has had pneumonia they tend to be suceptible to getting it again and again. You can get lung cancer at any age and it doesn't always come with smoking, although smoking is a major cause of lung cancer. I've known people who smoked for most of their lives and die of natural causes without ever having lung cancer, I've also known people who never smoked who have succumbed to lung cancer. Contrary to myth chronic bronchitis does not only happen in the elderly, it can and does happen in younger people as well who probably had their first bout of it as small children. Those with asthma are also prone to chronic bronchitis. Once one learns the early signs of bronchitis they can do things that will help prevent it from progressing and causing one to miss school or work because of the illness, flu shots help as does being physically fit to begin with, getting enough rest etc.
5 :
Chronic bronchitis cannot "turn into" cancer. They are two separate conditions. However, smokers are at high risk for both. yes, it is possible to get lung cancer at a very young age. Sometimes, this is the type of lung cancer that is not caused by smoking. I you have concerns, you need to get checked by a doctor immediately.
6 :
Bronchitis can't "turn into" lung cancer, at any age. The chances of getting lung cancer from smoking for 2,4 or 6 years are almost 0. But the chances of getting in 20 or 30 years down the road are very high. And once you get it, the chances of dying from it are also very high.
7 :
No chronic bronchitis cannot cause lung cancer but because most chronic bronchitis sufferers are smokers, they tend to be the ones that get lung cancer as well. The chance of getting lung cancer before 20 is virtually zero. It's unsual to get chronic bronchitis after smoking for only 2-6 years, most sufferers are in their 60's.

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

How long can someone survive while having stage 4 lung cancer

How long can someone survive while having stage 4 lung cancer?
my gpa is about 80 years old and he found out he had lung cancer back in april of 09. He hasn't had any treatments. He is diabetic and has heart problems and his kidneys are failing. How long would you say he has to live? He means the world to me and I want to send every second I can with him =(
Cancer - 2 Answers
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not knowing anything other when what you have told us...i would guess it was about 6-8 months from the time he was diagnosed. so that would be around september-november. did you ask him or your parents how long the doctor gave him? if not you should cause the doc will usually give the patient a timeframe if the patient asks and it is for sure terminal.
2 :
I agree with Bored. From the time a person is diagnosed terminally ill with cancer, they usually always have less than one year. He might be here for Christmas if he is lucky. Especially the elderly. My grandfather was 69 and just passed away from lung cancer. He was looking healthy May 20, 2009 at my High School graduation. He passed away August 26, 2009. It sucks.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Can Lung Cancer be detected in a chest x-ray when you have pneumonia

Can Lung Cancer be detected in a chest x-ray when you have pneumonia?
I recently went in to the doctor because I had a persistent cough. It started at the beginning of summer, lasted for about 6 weeks and went away for about a month. Then my cough came back and I went to the doctor for it again. They took a chest x-ray as well as a CVC. They ultimately concluded that it was walking pneumonia and sent me off with Pulmicort Flexhaler. After a couple of days I wasn't getting better so I went back to the doctor and they gave me a z-pack, some cough medicine, and prednisone(sp?). Although my cough seems to be getting better I am still having small chest pains and it is igniting my fears of lung cancer. My question is, although I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia, would the doctor have been able to tell if a lung tumor was present in my x-ray or could there have been a mistake?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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if it is large enough it would of showed on an x-ray. I would give it another week or so and then go back. Pneumonia can take 3 months to fully go away. I know someone who had a very small tumor of lung cancer and he started coughing blood, it is probably lingering pneumonia. Rest as much as possible and any doubt call for an appointment.
2 :
Chest xrays (CXR) are notoriously poor at finding lung cancers in their early stages. Any pneumonia could have been a complication of a lung tumor. Every pneumonia should have a repeat CXR 6 weeks after treatment is started. It is unlikely that your doctor saw a lung tumor on xray while a pneumonia obscures it. It is also relatively unlikely that you have a lung tumor at all.
3 :
Absolutely- that's how my sister found out that her breast cancer had metastasized after 13 years. However-if your doctor had seen a shadow on the x-ray, or anything questionable, he definitely would have ordered further tests. It's not really unusual to have chest pains if you have had a cough for a while.
4 :
Yes, lung cancer can be found in a chest x-ray. cough, or persistant cough is one of the symptoms of lung cancer. Other symptoms include: coughing up phelem or blood pain when coughing shortness of breath

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