Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How long will i take to develop lung cancer

How long will i take to develop lung cancer?
I had i puff of my cuz cigarette's (3).I didn't smoke the whole things tho. I just wanted to know if it likely 4 me to get lung cancer?! I am NEVER touching another one in my life because i don't wont lung cancer! plzzz help.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Cmon, get real.A puff of a cig does NOTHING you. You get that many toxins just by breathing in a big city. 90% of people with lung cancer are people that smoked heavily for more then 20 years.In most cases 30-40 years even. Heavy smoking means multiple cigs everday. It is good that you say you will never touch one again though. Because a puff can turn in a bait very quickly. And before you know you have been smoking most of your life.
2 :
It will take years of contineous smoking.
3 :
It is highly unlikely that you will develop lung cancer after just one puff, but stop now. Every cigarette does some damage, most of which starts to repair itself once you stop. But, even a single cigarette may be the one to trigger the single cell mutation that becomes cancer if you happen to be unlucky.
4 :
You're silly. Obviously kind of young. Look- straight out, you're either prone to cancer or not. You can do things to make it more likely but cancer is cancer in the end and it doesn't matter where the tumors originated. People can stop smoking and develop cancer years later. Some people never smoke and get lung cancer. A lot of people can smoke and smoke and just won't get cancer. No golden rule. If I were you and cancer runs in your family, stop asap. Even if it doesn't, you should and that's coming from someone who currently still smokes and maternal grandfather died at 66 from esophagus cancer and mother is 65 and at the end stages of lung cancer. I hope I am smart enough to beat it. Stop while you can. If nothing else because cigarettes are a big financial burden eventually and unpopular in the adult world.
5 :
Hello, I'm a doctor. Use topamax. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://webmd18.notlong.com/AAI27Qb
6 :
You won't get cancer from that, it takes years of regular smoking for that to happen. 99% of adults have tried a cigarette at some time in their life, and they're not all getting cancer. Don't worry about it, it's not going to happen, but remember the fear you've been feeling after this episode, and remember it the next time someone offers you a cigarette, because once you've started, it is so, so, so hard to stop

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