I don't know much at all about lung cancer, but this guy I know came to school today and said that he recently found that he has lung cancer and the doctors have given him three months to live. Are there no treatments for lung cancer? How can he possibly be dying so fast, after he just found out that he had it? Is there anyway to find out if he is telling the truth or just being overdramatic because his girlfriend wanted to break up with him? Anyone with any information about lung cancer would greatly be appreciated! Thanks everyone.
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Lung cancer, like any cancer, is easy to cure. Apple seeds. Cancer forms when cells are made the wrong way and the body doesnt have the things it needs to catch and destroy the cells. Apple seeds and many other seeds have a vitamin that is necessary for the body to perform this function. Dint listen to what the doctors say!
2 :
Lung cancer is not easy to treat, but it can be treated. If he is a teenager he doesn’t have lung cancer. Teenagers do not get lung cancer. Doctors do not tell people they have 3 months to live and send them on their way! If he was really that ill he wouldn’t be at school and he would look ill. It’s a pretty stupid story to come up with. How is he going to explain he is still around in a few months?
3 :
no way. my dad just got diagnosed with lung cancer and is being held fro many test fr the past 2 weeks. they have to run so many test before even telling you an estimate on your lifespan. lol he must really not want her to break up with him.
4 :
Survival rate depends on stage, age, cancer cells differentiation and the type of cancer. It's better if he has Non small cell lung cancer than small cell because the latter comes back very soon after the treatments. If he has stage IV NSCLC then he will normally live for 6-9 months more. Lung cancer is the most fatal cancer. Almost nobody survives after 5 years from diagnosis.
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