Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How does lung cancer kill

How does lung cancer kill?
My father in law had a lung lobe removed for cancer. Now It has metasticized. He has ascites, edema, kidney failure and dehydration. I don't understand how lung cancer is causing these symptoms. Can someone with medical knowledge explain the connections?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
When it is said that cancer has metastasized, that means that it has moved into other organs and is now attacking them. As a result, these other organs will begin to fail. It sounds as if he has it in the kidneys now, which would account for the kidney failure, edema, and dehydration. Many symptoms can also be side effects of chemotherapy or radiation. Without more information, its very hard to speak on his individual case. If you have more questions, there must be a family member who can ask his doctor these questions. If they don't mind, you can ask him yourself. The best thing to do is to keep a notebook of what the doctor tells you, as its hard to keep it all straight when someone has such a complex illness. Best wishes to your family at this difficult time.
2 :
The term "metastasized" means that tiny pieces of cancer (maybe even just one cell) have broken off and gone into other parts of his body. (His surgery was too late.) It just so happens that one piece lodged in his kidneys. "Cancer" is defined as uncontrolled growth of a tissue. So, now your father in law has a piece of LUNG CANCER growing in his kidney -- a tumor! it doesn't belong there, and it is "crowding out" the kidney functions. His failing kidneys are causing the edema and dehydration. Soon, he will be on dialysis. With metastasized lung cancer, a kidney transplant is not an option. Metastasizing is the WORST possible stage of cancer, just short of death. He probably has THOUSANDS of lung cancer cells all over his body. When his kidneys fail, they will put him, on dialysis. But then a lung cancer piece might grow in his brain, or in his intestines, or his liver, or his big toe. At this point he is "invaded", and there is very little hope for any kind of cure.
3 :
I'm so sorry to read that he is so ill. You know, it's a kind of taboo really to discuss this with the victim lest it may cause them to lose hope and their family to become too distressed. What aggressive cancer does is destroy good tissue wherever it travels to and takes root - metastasizes - and compromises the natural flow of blood and the drainage of the lymphatic system so that fluid drains into the body cavity. These uncontrolled growths can impose pressure on surrounding tissues, they can also become necrotic. So it was bad enough when it was only resident in the lungs but now it is causing organ failure in other places the prognosis has become grim. We can only hope that one day these uncontrolled growths of undifferentiated cells can be stopped in their tracks and caused to shrink. One current thought is that a high fever may enable the body to detect and destyroy metastacizing cells.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Can Asbestos Exposure cause Basaloid Lung Cancer?

Can Asbestos Exposure cause Basaloid Lung Cancer?
I DO NOT need any general information on asbestos and other problems it may cause... This is a very SPECIFIC question regarding Basaloid Lung Cancer so please do not give me more info on Mesothelioma, etc... I know how to use Google and can get that myself. Thank you.
Respiratory Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
In looking at a major scientific database (Scirus), there were no references which indicated a causation. So this would seem to indicate it is at least not prevalent. To know 100% for sure, you are going to need to contact leading asbestos cancer researchers in larger medical centers. On YA, that is the best answer we can give when trying to prove a negative. It may also be a difference in terms used. Try the National Cancer Institute and Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (referenced)

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Why is there so much propoganda against smoking weed, like it leads to lung cancer

Why is there so much propoganda against smoking weed, like it leads to lung cancer?
the largest marijuana study, done by UCLA, concluded that weed does not lead to lung cancer, if anything it, helps prevent it. There is a chemical in weed that kills the dead cells responsible for cancer An approved UCLA-study says that a new chemical is preventing the spread of cancer. "One possible explanation for the new findings, he said, is that THC, a chemical in marijuana smoke, may encourage aging cells to die earlier and therefore be less likely to undergo cancerous transformation" srry for miswriting it earlier
Cancer - 14 Answers
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1 :
weed is good
2 :
The government wants you to stick to drugs that they tax. Like alcohol and prescription medicines.
3 :
idk but i do know that any king of smoking is bad, even weed!
4 :
IT'S A CONSPIRACY! dig for the truth..it's scary.
5 :
cancer has nothing to do with dead cells you dead head, its cells that grow out of hand. weed kills brain cells, as you demonstrated already.
6 :
Inhaling any type of smoke can lead to lung cancer, if doesn't matter the source. It can be cigs, weed, incense, whatever... If you inhale enough smoke you're at risk for cancer. And dead cells don't cause cancer... Mutated cells cause cancer.
7 :
Any kind of smoke in your lungs is toxic. Cancer patience use weed to kill the nausea.
8 :
Any kind of smoking can lead to lung cancer (its the burnt ash in your lungs) and no, there is no chemical in weed that kills oncogenes (those responsible for cancer). That is simply a tactic by the potheads who want to leagalize it. However, is it worse to smoke tobacco? It all depends on how much you smoke, and how well you try to maintain your body.
9 :
Weed does not physically harm someone, it mentally harms someone. When someone does pot, they do less for society. Weed renders you worthless to society. I have only one idea why potheads can't get it through their heads. Not realizing what pot actually does is like someone putting their hand in fire. "Hey! This isn't harmful! It's actually killing cells!" Sure, but you're still destroying your hand, rendering it useless to your body. And another thing, cancer isn't caused by dead cells, it's caused by the rapid growth of living cells. So a chemical in weed that kills cancer cells? That pretty much means all of the cells, buddy. You know why this is amazing? Because I'm 16 years old. How do I know all of this? Because I pay attention, learn, and don't do drugs. Now ask yourself, are you a stupid 20 year old who thinks pot is good for you, or are you a smart 16 year old who has a good head on his shoulders? UCLA, what a joke.
10 :
Look, it is simple, if the pharmaceutical companies cant control it, they make it illegal. They are the ultimate drug lords. Our politicians and lawyers and judges are in their pockets. It is that simple, Solution: Serve on a jury and find people with marajuana possession, trafficing, producing, etc.. innocent and proclaimate the laws are unconstitutional, and therefore unenforceable.
11 :
How healthy is it to inhale anything voluntarily other than oxygen? Smoking anything has been clinically proven to be bad from your health. So there is no propaganda. Pot heads all make the argument that Pot has medicinal properties, yet the act of smoking the stuff IS bad for you. This is of course addressing the masses, not the exceptions. You could smoke like a chimney for years and live to be a 100, odds are you won't, but look at George Burns, mind you he smoke Cigars and not cigarettes, still amazing. The problem is that he was a TOTAL RARITY. Don't smoke anything and you're better for it. I will agree with you FROM A HEALTH PERSPECTIVE ONLY that smoking pot, if you're going to smoke something, is about the best thing you can smoke. However, the fact that it can alter your senses is why no one should smoke the stuff. I think Iran could benefit from it, there is an exception for you. Too much of anything will cause you problems. So if you're going to smoke weed, at least keep it under control. Hopefully you'll leave it altogether some day.
12 :
Right on!!They do prescibe it to CANCER patients!!No one has ever went and killed some one smoking pot! The goverment should legalize it and you should be able to use it just like one is to use alchohol. Noone under the age of 21 ,no driving under the influence, and so on, as you may agree ALCOHOL has a worse affect on one than smoking pot! Even with cancer look at all the drunks who get liver cancer.
13 :
smoking weeds is bad because it will cause lung cancer and it may damaged your brain
14 :
Marijuana laws are a fraud. It is like getting a person to admit that he/she is wrong, but magnified by the arrogance of congress, and law enforcement.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Could my mom get chemo or radiation therapy for small cell lung cancer with other Health conditions

Could my mom get chemo or radiation therapy for small cell lung cancer with other Health conditions?
My mom has small cell lung cancer recently diagnosed this past monday.She has osteporisis,heart stint,biopolar dissorder,arthritis,thryroid disease and a respitory disease.I am concerned that the oncologist will even beable to offer chemo or radiation on top of all her conditions she has.I need opinions from people that are familier with this..I need support through this hard time..Thank you..
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I am going through much of the same. My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about 2 1/2 months ago. By the time of the diagnosis, she had already lost quite abit of weight. She's also 83 yrs old, and has had 2 heart surgeries. The Dr's told us right away that chemo was not an option. They believed she was too frail to survive the treatments. She was given a diagnosis of 2-3 months. Right now she is in a hospice house, and doing o.k. Good days & bad days. This is a very tough thing to go through. For both your mom and you. The Dr's will look at her overall health, her age, and stage of the cancer, and decide what (if any) treatments are needed. My mom is 83, and has lived a full life. She says she's ready to go. In her case chemo might have prolonged her life by afew months, but is it worth it? These are questions only your mother can answer. Take care

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Do you think that lung Cancer kills or the cigarettes kill

Do you think that lung Cancer kills or the cigarettes kill?
As many die from lung cancer and never smoked.
Cancer - 27 Answers
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1 :
lung cancer kills.
2 :
Cig's raise the chance to get lung cancer. Plus it's just bad for you; It causes athsma...
3 :
cigarettes produce lung cancer and lung cancer kills u
4 :
I think that lung cancer kills, but that in a lot of cases cigarettes cause lung cancer. Not in all cases of course, as in non smokers and the guy who ate too much microwave popcorn, but many cases.
5 :
Cancer kills, cigarettes do not. But cigarettes cause cancer, so by reason, they also kill. People with lung cacer who have never smoked may have gotten second hand smoke or have been exposed to other carcinogens that cause cancer.
6 :
you get lung cancer from smoking cigarrettes...you smoke them....so you are practically killing yourself
7 :
well ciggarettes cause lung cancer and lung cancer kills
8 :
I think that smoking cigarettes or, to a lesser degree, inhaling second hand smoke increases your risk of several potentially fatal diseases including lung cancer.
9 :
Weather it is ciggs that kill you or lung cancer, someday you will die.
10 :
i think that lung cancer kills more however, smoking usually leads to lung cancer
11 :
its the cigarettes because even if you dont smoke breathing second hand smoke can mess up your lungs and stuff
12 :
which came first the chicken or the egg? Smoking causes lung cancer. both will kill you eventually.
13 :
14 :
cigarettes don't kill unless you smoke them, and even still they are not killing you you are doing it to yourself. cigarettes are inanimate and won't do anything to you if they just sit there unlit. but cancer, yeah, it kills so don't get it!
15 :
Lung cancer kills. Cigarettes contain over 200 poisons in them (called carcinogins - didn't spell that correctly). These carcogins (again, not spelled right!) turn into free radicals in your body which can eventually create a cancerous cell. Cancer is caused when just one cell mutates and then it quickly spreads. Yes, there are other ways to get lung cancer, but it is a proven fact that cigarettes can cause it.
16 :
You make a valid point in reference to those who have never smoked. However, they say smoking can cause lung cancer. It doesn't mean that you will actually die from smoking but it increases the likelihood significantly. Yes, they have over 40 chemicals in each cigarette (and cigarettes are also highly addictive). What's to say these chemicals like the ones found in cigarettes aren't in other products in our homes, office/place of work etc either? Then for people who have never smoked they face passive smoking (ingesting it from family members, friends, pubs/clubs/bars). Isn't it feasible that pollution from our cars (public trasport) and chemicals we use (albeit unknowing) can cause such things as cancer as well? So, yes smoking can kill and I think other environmental things can also cause lung cancer. I guess, only further research in the will let us know conclusively of additional causes.
17 :
Both I hate that I smoke ...I am scared..i don't i don't know i am so freaken lonley
18 :
No, your stats are not correct. Some non-smokers do die from lung cancer, although it is often true that while they themselves did not smoke, they were affected by secondhand smoke. However, cigarettes can kill in many ways and lung cancer is only one of them. Bronchitis, pleurisy, emphysema and the list goes on and on. Oh yes, there is also lip cancer, tongue cancer, cancer of the larynx along with lung cancer. Unfortunately, this is first hand information. My father died of cancer - after a lifetime of smoking - and over the course of years lost his larynx and his ability to speak, part of his tongue, one lung and was finally killed by a hemorrhage in his remaining lung. So yes, as cigarettes are a direct cause of lung cancer, I do think they kill.
19 :
Cigarette kills lungs, and lungs kills us. As per the statistics most of the lung cancer patients are smokers. Until now nobody know the exact reason for cancer.
20 :
Do you think that seat belts save lives? Many folks have drowned in their cars, unable to free their seat belt! Cigarette smoke increases the chances of lung cancer, not to mention several other disease risks attributed to smoking. Air pollution and radon gas exposure is a growing factor in this risk, but this doesn't excuse smoking by that lame old argument: " Everything gives ya cancer these days, and so I am justified to smoke!" Think of how stupid this logic is---and how dangerous too!
21 :
It's like the cause and effect we learn in Biology-you smoke ciggarettes, you are more inclined to have lung cancer..
22 :
It's neither. Ultimately you kill yourself knowing the dangerous effects of cigarettes and continue to smoke despite it! Smoking doesn't give you cancer per say, it just increases your chances of getting it DRAMATICALLY. That's why they have all the "surgeon general" warnings on it. Because of the countless studies on the effects of it. Quiting is hard (if that's what your trying to do), but it's worth it! You can start tasting things better you start smelling things better too! AND best of all you don't get winded while you run. Actually best of all you reduce the chance of you getting any sort of cancer!
23 :
lung cancer can kill coz it will make u an "immunosuppressant person" which will make u more vulnerable to diseases, in addition cigarrettes can kill you furthermore a person can get lung cancer from being a passive smoker meaning u keep hanging out w/ a person who smokes all the time and u keep inhaling all the nicotine that also can precipipate you from getting a lung cancer genetics can also be a predisposing factor for a lung cancer if ure blood line has a hsitory of cancers in whatever form..
24 :
cigarettes specifically the nicotine inside the cigarette kills. definitely cigarettes specifically nicotine would lead to lung cancer eventually, on a longer span of time. nicotine disrupts the body's normal system and functions, and may even copy the identity of a normal cell that would be unrecognized by the anti-foreign body cells. because of these, it would lead to cancer. if cancer is not detected earlier it might metastasize to other body organs from its origin, so in time if not treated, it could kill.
25 :
There are specific types of lung cancer which only affect smokers. And if lung cancer is all that common anyway then why on earth would you do something which has been proven to cause a more agressive, quicker spreading form of the disease. Enough of the debate. This life is not a dress rehearsal. Cigarettes are not good for you, no matter how much you try to pretend.
26 :
Cigarettes kill. Lung Cancer Kills. 90 percent of lung cacner patients have either smoked, used tobacco in some form, or are fromer smokers.. "As many die from lung cacner and never smoked" Yes people do get lung cancer who have never smoked but it only acounts for 10 percent of all lung cancers. Not even close to as many as non smokers. Where did you get that incrediably false statement from?
27 :
Cigarettes carry the stuff that can cause cancer which leads to you dying. Yes, you can die of lung cancer and never smoked, but your chances are increased a whole lot when you smoke.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can you get lung cancer even when you don't inhale your ciggarette

Can you get lung cancer even when you don't inhale your ciggarette?
Just a random question. If you don't inhale the smoke in to your lungs, can you still get cancer anyhow?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Yes, if the smoke goes in your mouth, you can get tongue cancer, among other problems with your gums, teeth, taste buds, etc. All bad things! :)
2 :
oh yea. its basically the same chance than if you inhaled. but whats the point of smoking if you dont inhale?
3 :
You can get lung cancer and have never smoked at all.
4 :
Yes but there is an alternative... i recently discovered these new Smokeless cigarettes and they are amazing. You inhale water vapor, so no more tar and cyanide and all the other things that cause lung cancer. They are great man. i haven 't had a real cigarette in a whole month, which has saved me money on cigarettes also. well i hope this help out out a little . take care

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Has anyone here had a dog that had lung cancer

Has anyone here had a dog that had lung cancer?
My dog was diagnosed with lung cancer and we're very afraid. She is having surgery tomorrow to remove the growth. We'd like to know more about this - how long will she be in pain? Will surgery get rid of the cancer? Does it recur in dogs, like with humans?
Dogs - 5 Answers
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1 :
I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I had a dog with lung cancer. Since the dog was 12, we decided not to do the surgery and simply keep her comfortable and enjoy the time we had left with her. Lung cancer in dogs acts the same way it does in humans. While I don't want to depress you, it is unlikely that surgery will get rid of it all. If there is a veterinary college near you, sometimes they can also do chemotherapy on dogs. It is usually free at a veterinary college. Chemo has the same side effects on dogs as it does in humans. Nausea and hair loss. Surgery may give her some extra time and quality of life. Enjoy the time you have with her. You will know what to do when the time comes. I'm so sorry.
2 :
hi actualy my cousin had a indoor dog who had lung cancer it was my aunt darlin's new husband's dog and he smoked constantly before they got married. The dog got it from second hand smoke. I'm very sorry but he ended up dieing anyway. I hope your dog does much better and I'm sure it will because they didn't find any cancer untill it was too late in sparkey(her dog). I hope all goes well. remember god loves you
3 :
Oh my God. God bless you and your precious dog. My Golden, LadyLou, got bone cancer. She did not survive. From what i have learned from the oncologists, and my Vet, yes, it can spread, in fact if it is in the lung, it very well may have metastasized from somewhere else. Dogs do not respond to chemo and radiations like people do, and it is VERY hard on them. I hate to be typing this stuff, but you guys have got to really think this through, think about the quality of your precious dog's life, they cannot tell you how sick the meds make them feel. My dad was dying of lung cancer at the same time as LadyLou was getting diagnosed, and he said this, He said do not put her through the treatment, she does not understand,and it is horrible. I am so sorry, the prognosis is not good, they do not recover from lung cancer, only might live a while longer. Please don't let your dog suffer.
4 :
My son spent $1000 at the vet's for his cat and it died anyhow. If you had put this question on earlier, I would've advised you to either leave the dog alone, or get his lights put out when she's in pain.
5 :
Sorry, I don't know much about this. But the only thing I want to say that, I'll pray for your dogy. God bless u all.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can my 87 year old father have cataract surgery when he has stage 3 small cell lung cancer

Can my 87 year old father have cataract surgery when he has stage 3 small cell lung cancer?
My 87 year old father is being denied cataract surgery. He was diagnosed with small cell stage 3 lung cancer in November 2009. He had one chemo capsule the beginning of December. No other cancer treatment since that point of time. He just had blood work done a few days ago. From what I understand his blood work came back good, it doesn't appear as if his cancer has spread...his kidney count is a bit out of the norm. Other than insurance denial, what reasons would there be to deny him cataract surgery?
Optical - 1 Answers
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1 :
I am an optometrist in the USA who refers patients for cataract surgery and co-manages them with the surgeon after the surgery. I have to admit that I avoid trying to understand too much about insurance in an effort to preserve my own mental health. The only criteria that I am aware of for insurance coverage of cataract surgery is the quality of vision. Normally best corrected vision has to be 20/40 or worse. Sometimes even people with better vision than that qualify because they fail a glare test. A glare test involves shining a light in your eyes and asking you to read a chart. Everyone will see worse with a light in their eyes but people with cataracts usually perform much worse. I am unaware of any clinical reason why the surgery would be inappropriate. I am quite sure that life expectancy is not a factor in approval. I have found that some surgeons are more aggressive in getting approval than others are. You may want to try another surgeon.

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