Friday, May 16, 2008

How do I cope with my dad being diagnosed with lung cancer

How do I cope with my dad being diagnosed with lung cancer?
The biopsy has just come back and he has small cell lung cancer. I am 14 and my brother is only 10. He is getting a pet scan tomorrow. I and especially my brother are terribly distraught, and we really don't know how to deal with this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I was 7 when my mom died from lung cancer. I was 4 when she was diagnosed with it. Just remember (i wish i knew this when i was first coping with it) tell him everything you want to tell him and live life to the fullest i really regret not doing that with my mom. I am now 12 and its been really hard but you have to keep moving on i know thats what everybody's going to tell you but its very true!
2 :
Well lets not have him dead and buried already, there are all kinds of treatments now. There is nothing a person resents more than after hearing a person has cancer they think of how long that person has to live. More people die in road accidents
3 :
Lung cancer is bad but it does not mean death. I know it's scary but wait for the test results before you freak out. You obviously know that any type of lung cancer has the potential to be very dangerous BUT we have made amazing progress in the treatment and detection of the cancer and the survival rates for cancer, most especially when it's detected early, are much better than you probably think. Lung cancer is not a death sentence, thousands of people successfully recieve treatment and go into remission every year. when the doctor reads the PET scan, they will be able to assign your dad a "stage" which will tell you if the cancer is big or has spread anywhere else. The "stage" he gets is very important, it is usually a good predictor of how hard it will be to treat him. stages are a number 1-4 and a letter, stage 1A is good, stage 4 is not so good. that said, there are people who survive stage 4 cancers, they just have to fight much harder to do it. The outcome of lung cancer is very hard to predict but until the doctor can take a look at him and give you a better idea of how bad the situation is, just make sure to spend time with him and let him know you love him and you're there for him.
4 :
I'm not exactly sure but just tell him everything you always wanted to tell him. Spend time with him. I'm very sorry about your father. Remember be happy he's here now.
5 :
here are they
6 :
My dad too was just diagnosed with lung cancer. I don't know if there is a way to deal with it except one day at a time. Just be strong for him and your brother, and tell him you love him every chance you get. Good Luck.

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