Which has a higher risk of giving someone lung cancer Marijuana use or Tobacco use? Im just wondering about cancer risks not whether it should be legalized or not.
Cancer - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Both have the same cancer risks.
2 :
Tobacco, by far.
3 :
Since the volume of tobacco smoke taken by a habitual user is higher than that of the smoke of a habitual marijuana user then I would say tobacco. But cancer alone is not a reason for legalization. Heroine and LSD are very safe in terms of a cancer threat. That is not a reason to legalise them. The socio-economic affects take precedent.
4 :
i would have to say tobacco because i know that they give cancer patience medical marijuanna
5 :
Tobacco since it also has so many other chemicals in it. Marijuana smoking can cause emphysema because you breath it in deeper and hold it longer, also because the smoke coming from the joint can be hot which also damages your throat and lungs. They sell devices called pot vapourizers that burns off all the harmful chemicals and gives you a fresh blast of THC, but they cost close to $1000.
6 :
Most people "Spin" marijuana with tobacco when it is smoked. So any cancer risk that marijuana carries is normally accompanied by any cancer risk that tobacco carries.
7 :
8 :
marijuana has no cancer risks because there are no poisons, toxin, and tar in it like there are in cigarettes. anybody that tells you othewise is an idiot.
9 :
There is no scientific evidence of Marijuana being linked to cancer. However it does damage the lungs when you smoke it from the heat and hold it in for a long time. Alternatives to this, and if you are still worried about getting cancer, would be to inhale as if you were meditating. Very deep breath, and slowly let it out.
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