Monday, March 24, 2008

How long do people wit lung cancer usually live

How long do people wit lung cancer usually live?
Do they live like years or just months? And how long can a person live with lung cancer? Also can it cause fainting? *I don't have lung cancer, nor do I know anyone who does.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
from the time they get it to the time they die, call me a lire.
2 :
A person can live for years with lung cancer, however they usually don't know they have lung cancer until it reaches a critical stage where they are coughing up blood and have severe chest pain. By then, the cancer had probably been growing for several years but at the stage it was detected they usually only live a few months. Most types of cancers can grow for years without any warning signs. By the time a person starts feeling bad or hurting, the cancer has usually grown to the point that it is critical. That's why cancer is called "the silent killer".
3 :
I have stage iv non operable lung cancer. I was diagnosed in May of 2006, nearly three years ago now. Fewer than 5 out of every 100 people (less than 5%) diagnosed with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer will live for at least 5 years. My prognosis was perhaps only one year with palliative chemo treatments. Chemo treatments haven't ridden me of any tumors and they have grown some, but with lifestyle, and diet change along with a huge positive attitude, I am still surviving. I just don't know when it will all blow up in my face, but for now I'm living with it. I suppose fainting could be caused by lung cancer. Fainting could be brought on by a very harsh cough, or perhaps low blood counts due to chemo.
4 :
I think it has to do with positive thinking. My mom was diagnosed in Feb. with 4th stage small cell lung cancer. She is going through the treatment, so time will tell. She is very positive. It just kills me when doctors give a time limit. They told her with treatment the average is 18 months. She is 75 years old, and has always told us she will live to be 100. On Dr. Phil, his mom had cancer and only gave her 3-6 months to live, and he said that she has been cancer free for 7 years!
5 :
People with lung cancer can live anywhere from a few months to many years, since it depends on the type of cancer, where it is, and how old the person is (also if there are any other medical conditions present.) If it is a small cancerous localized lesion, with no metastasis (no spread to other organs), with surgery & chemo for follow up, there can be a cure. If the tumor is involving one whole lung, part of another, and spreading to the brain, you will be lucky (or unlucky) if you make 3 months. If it's real aggressive, make that 3 WEEKS. Since the lung is where you pick up the oxygen for the brain, fainting is very common since the O2 level drops. It's like all cancers- get them early & the outcome can be good. Put it off & you know what will happen. Sorry.
6 :
its nt any specific tym!.it depends from person to person.. god bless you
7 :
It depends heavily on the treatment. Surgery has a high success rate, but leaves the patient permanently crippled. Chemotherapy and radiation have a success rate of less than 10% over ten years, so if you go that route, odds are you'll be dead in under ten. But don't let anyone tell you there's no cure for it. There are many treatments, and information is available all over the internet. Some of them have greater than 80% success rates, have been in existence (in some cases) for thousands of years, and almost all of them are more effective at treating cancer than marrow transplants, chemo and radiation. Patients undergoing such treatments often have full remission of their cancer. The reason these treatments are suppressed is because there's not nearly as much money in curing cancer as in perpetuating it, but awareness is growing slowly, and great advances have been made away from American soil, where inventive doctors are safe from persecution by the ACS. Advanced stages of lung cancer can cause loss of consciousness and heart failure due to low blood oxygen volume.

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