Thursday, March 20, 2008

What is the percentage of lung cancer patients that are smokers

What is the percentage of lung cancer patients that are smokers?
I would like to know the ratio of smoker vs non smoker in people diagnosed with lung cancer. Please provide a link. I'm not looking for "caused by smoking" , those stats can be spun. I'm looking for smokers vs non smokers strictly. What percentage?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
According to the National Institutes Of Health, "Thun noted that 85 percent to 90 percent of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking, which translates into roughly 1.4 million lung cancer deaths across the globe each year." The articles are cited below with related information.
2 :
Here's a Canadian study you should find interesting. Male smokers - lifetime risk of lung cancer is 1 in 6 Female smokers รข€“ the risk of lung cancer is 1 in 9 Risk of lung cancer in non-smokers is 1 in 77 Can J Public Health. 1994 Nov-Dec;85(6):385-8. Another interesting site for you
3 :
as you know smoking is currently a department concerned of the world because of smoking will lead to cancer, a lot of most developing countries. You want to know the rate of percentage I can not tell you is because I also can not dare chat is the number of how many

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