Saturday, March 8, 2008

How long can you smoke until you get lung cancer

How long can you smoke until you get lung cancer?
Lots of people smoke without getting lung cancer. Plus smoking doesn't cause other types of cancer. How long can I smoke until I get cancer? I figue I got 10 years of smoking that I can enjoy. But all the cool celebs like Jennifer Aniston, Applegate and Swazye smoke. And they are all fine.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
why don't you just quit? it's a lot of money to pay for cigarettes and for cancer treatments. you think you can smoke once you have lung cancer? no. you'd have to quit. so why not just quit now?
2 :
If you are already worrying about lung cancer then why not just quit smoking now? Why wait to a point where you will significantly increase your chances of getting it? There is no set time limit that is OK for you to smoke before you get lung cancer
3 :
QUIT!!! Thats the best thing. I can save alot of money in the long run as well as sickness and pain.
4 :
Only about a third of people that smoke get lung cancer. Still pretty high odds but not for sure. At autopsy your lungs look really gross. Black. And the cilia die in your lungs so you are always coughing up mucous. Actually, compared to emphysema and other stuff that happens when you smoke, cancer isn't too bad. At work I had a friend that smoked, had quit years ago, and was diagnosed with lung cancer before Christmas one year. By spring the next year he was pushing up daisies. Que sara sara.
5 :
Usually it takes about 20 pack years before you get cancer. To calculate your pack years, multiply the number of packs per day you smoke by the number of years that you've smoked. That's how many pack years you have, and like I said, it usually takes 20 pack years before carcinogenic changes take place.... However..... Lung cancer just happens to be the most publicized danger from smoking. It doesn't affect everyone. But the cardiovascular effects of smoking tobacco occur in EVERYONE, most people jsut don't notice them. As a smoker, you are damaging the blood vessles in your body... this can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke a lot sooner than you might think. And lets not forget the glorious diseases of emphysema and COPD (chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) in which you basically suffocate. The reason why only one third of people get cancer from smoking? The other two thirds have probably already died from one of the aforementioned causes. The sooner you quit, the better your health will be. Being tobaccoless for 15 years reduces your risk of stroke and heart attack to that of someone who never smoked. So seriously, try to quit! Your body will love you for it!
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