Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What multivitamin tablets should be given to a Lung Cancer Patient

What multivitamin tablets should be given to a Lung Cancer Patient?
My mother 49 years female, old treated kochs, known case of non small cell carcinoma lung, post chemotherapy has been feeling weak. So what multivitamin tablets should be given to her?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if you have a computer or a ps3 you can help find a cure
2 :
Any kind will do . However, a diet rich in fruits, grains and vegetables should provide all the nutrients one needs to improve health, so if she is following that kind of eating plan it may not be necessary to take vitamin supplements.
3 :
There is a multivitamin that i know of at the link below it is also known to help with cancer. Check it out:
4 :
Any type of multivitamin tablet would be fine, just make sure she checks with her oncologist before she takes anything. Even a generic brand of multivitamin would be alright.

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