Thursday, May 28, 2009

What are the chances and signs of lung cancer

What are the chances and signs of lung cancer?
I want to know because my mom smoked in the house with me since i was like 3! I try not to worry but when I go to school they say I smell like smoke! I tell my mom to stop but she doesn't!! SO can anyone tel me any sign's or chances(percent) of me having lung cancer? P.S Im 11 and im 4'9 if that help and yes, 4'9 means height
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
my grandfather has had lung cancer. im sure deep down your mother feels bad for not being able to stop smoking, maybe you cud ask her to at leas just do it outside or by an open window only... to cover the smell i would NEVER wear my clothes more then once, EVER... it just made the smell worse. dont worry about lung cancer, if your mom goes to the doctor shes fine. thats none of your bisiness.
2 :
The chances of you having lung cancer is very small. Although she's been smoking around you for awhile, you are only inhaling passive smoke and lung cancer of someone your age is quite rare. If everyone developed lung cancer from being around a smoking family member for awhile, it would be much more of an epidemic than it already is. Signs include constant cough, chest pain, wheezing, coughing up blood and shortness of breath.
3 :
Honey, I am sure I am older than your mom and I am a smoker. When I found out that passive smoke was not good for the kids, I quit doing it around them. When I was your age I remember our family doctor making house calls to see us when we were sick - yes it's true, they really did make house calls! Well, I remember my father and the doctor BOTH smoking in my bedroom while they discussed my illness! They just didn't know back then the harm that smoking does. What I am getting at, is - if second hand smoke was THAT dangerous there would have been many millions more lung cancer sufferers from my generation. I am not saying that smoking around you is okay. What I am saying is you needn't worry too much about yourself getting lung cancer. Just never start smoking yourself because it IS terribly difficult to stop once you start! (Besides - it stinks! It smells up your hair and clothes and the boys hate kissing a cigarette smelling mouth!)
4 :
Peter, I remember when doctors did house calls! Anyways, not only you at risk, there is now studies of 3rd hand smoke now. My grandfather died of emphasema from smoking. My mother is now dealing with lung cancer. We just found out this last week, and she felt fine and is a stage 3. She has always smoked. Growing up I hated being around anyone who smoked. I spent alot of time in my room and wouldn't allow anyone in my room. Your mom is going to have to want to stop. Telling her is not going to get her to stop. It think some people don't quit til they get a health scare. Does my mom smoke now, no, but its kind of late for that. When I would go to visit her, she smoked outside, I didn't not go out with her.
5 :
You probably dont have lung cancer now, but if this keeps up when you get older you could end up with it, just like anyone exposed to second hand smoke. We all have to take care of ourselves and not breathing anyone elses cigarette smoke is a start. You shouldnt have to breath the smoke your mother tosses around the house.. unfortunately she doesnt see it that way. There is a reason the government cracked down on smoking in public places.... they didnt do it because they thought smoking was good for people... and the government is losing billions of dollars when people stop smoking so that should tell us something. I think you should get pamphlets and put them around the house... get those ones where they show the inside of a cancer lung from smoking... then tell her it stinks.... complain incessantly..... tell her people talk about the smell on your cloths... make her feel bad.... research second hand smoke on the net and print out the articles..... make her life hell for smoking... and tell her if you get sick its her shouldnt have to live this way.. if she wants to smoke, she can stand outside ....... that is what a responsible parent would do....... well.. responsible parents who have children wouldnt smoke in the first place..... they should set good examples and show they care by taking care of themselves.... too many kids end up without parent/s at young ages due to these kinds of things. good luck

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