Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How bad of a cough do lung cancer patients have

How bad of a cough do lung cancer patients have?
Is it a terrible cough, constant, or just a cough here and there? I have never smoked before i'm only 15 and I have been to the doctors twice one said I had allergies one said I had Bronchitis neither took a x-ray and I still have this small-mild dry cough. White phlegm no blood or fever nothing other than a cough. Breathing is fine. Could I have lung cancer? I worry too much (because I'm a hypochondriac)
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, you don't have lung cancer, if you did you would have many other symptoms. Maybe you do have allergies or bronchitis, if the cough doesn't go away see a doctor again and ask them to do an x-ray.
2 :
Nanjing Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University Department of Respiratory Medicine, a 16-year-old recent admissions patients with lung cancer, cough 3 months and found it was already late. It is understood that the young man love to play, the body has been very strong. 3 months ago he appeared inexplicable cough, occasional cough, but no hemoptysis. Family that a child suffering from bronchitis, small clinic on the ground with the point of medicine to take, but has not seen improvement. A few days ago, accompanied by his family, to the Nanjing Zhongshan University hospital, checked and found the child turned out to be advanced lung cancer, surgical treatment lost opportunity. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, said Yong Lin, MD, director of the Division monthly admissions 45 cases of lung cancer patients can have a lot of people do not have bad habits like smoking, but occasionally a little dry cough has been no attention to the hospital when have lost the best timing of surgery. Doctors advise, in the event a dry cough, sputum or cough in the blood and other symptoms, with antibiotic treatment ineffective, it is recommended to immediately go to hospital or long delay for several months, has died, so as not to delay treatment. Do not blindly believe that only smoking and drinking people will suffer from lung cancer, smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer, exposure to passive smoking, environmental pollution, genetic mutations and other factors may cause lung cancer. (Cuiyu Yan Bi Xiaohong)
3 :
Lung cancer is very rare in teenagers - especially if you do not smoke. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer (and most cancers for that matter...) so best way to avoid cancer is to avoid smoking! I have treated a 17 year old male non-smoker for advanced lung cancer - but it is very rare to see this, and it was thought to be due to genetics (3 men in his family had died of lung cancer). He died age 18. Unfortunately, most people diagnosed with lung cancer do not find it until it is too late, and it has already spread to other parts of the body (normally the brain...first sign dizziness or loss of balance and headaches). Most lung cancer patients (90% or more) will die from the disease, and normally within a few months to years dependiing on how advanced it is when found. Most of my patients have presented with "a cough" which they put down to being just a cold or asthma - but the cough just would not disappear. It is an unfortunate statistic that we have a huge rise in lung cancer rates in spring - because people who develop a cough in winter don't bother getting it checked up thinking it is a winter cold - but come spring, when the cough is still there, they find the cancer. Some describe it as a nagging "tickle" that just will not go away, some as asthma, most think it was a cold. Some actually have no cough, no chest pain, no signs at all - they are picked up through routine check-ups with their doctor, or because they have a persistant headache. They have a CT scan of the brain - and find a tumour. The doctors then run further tests to determine the "primary" cancer site, and first of all will check the lungs. At your age though, you are VERY unlikely to have lung cancer. First thing I would think of is Broncitis or allergies as you have mentioned. Things to think about...does it get worse when you are exposed to cold air? Is it seasonal (ie do you get coughs every year in spring or winter?) Is there asthma in the family? Do you also get skin rashes...as this could be sign of either allergies or asthma (eczma and asthma are connected). Try not to worry too much about health things...best you can do is NOT smoke (ever...), maintain a healthy weight, exercise and most of all enjoy life. One thing I have learnt from my job is never take life for granted! One patient in particular taught me this. At age 30 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fought it all the way - had surgery and threw everything at it. One day she came in to see the doctor - and was so elated to be told she was cancer free. She crossed the street to her car and wham...hit by a car and killed. You can spend your entire life worrying and fretting about every cough and bump - and still die crossing the street...or enjoy what life you have and live every moment of it. This may sound morbid, but the reality is none of us know how long we have, and therefore treat every day as if it is your last.

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