Sunday, May 24, 2009

What is the survival rate of someone having lung cancer

What is the survival rate of someone having lung cancer?
My father in law recently was diagnoised with lung cancer. He has two growths in his lower left lung. The size is small, one is 7 mm and the other is 12 mm. he hasn't smoked in 5 yrs or more. What are his chances of full recovery?
Cancer - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i dont know the statistics sorry, i thought it was a death sentence tho....
2 :
Lung cancer has a poor survival rate I'm sorry to say. Quite often it's only found in advanced stages unless someone manages to have an x-ray for something non-related and they find it then. Treatment is aggressive, but if there is already 2 growths he's had this for years and never knew it.
3 : this is a good site for information on lung cancer.
4 :
It really depends upon the staging of his cancer. If it is at it's very earliest stage 1 (it is rare to catch it that early) he has the best chance. Stage 4 would mean it has spread to other organs and his chance of surviving the next 5 years are less. The fact that he has 2 tumors tell me that he is not stage1. Treatments are improving for lung cancer; there is more hope than in the past. Work with his doctor.
5 :
No one can tell, too many factors at play. My father was diagnosed December 1989 and life expectancy six months. He lived for two years! Yet his Brother, my Uncle diagnosed in March, the operated dead early August. Much has to do with the type, spread lymph nodes, other organs, his attitude is he depressed willing to fight, have they offered surgery or radiotherapy. However do not give up, it is important that you do not give up, because he might just prove you wrong.
6 :
If it is found early and removed, the recovery chances are greatly increased. If it progresses to stage 3 or 4, chances are very slim. If he just has two small spots, he needs to have them removed immediately.
7 :
It depends on whether or not the cancer is operable or not.I had a 2 inch tumor on my right lung and it was removed.I am alive 15 months later and the cancer has not returned.There is always hope if discovered and treated early.
8 :
Sadly the survival rates of lung cancer are slim, however the growth can be controlled by the use of chemotherapy drugs, and radiotherapy. Best Wishes.
9 :
Unfortunately, his prognosis is poor. A person can have a small tumor in their lung and a giagantic one on their liver or brain. He will definately be staged if he is not already. They do pet scans to look for tumors in other parts of the body. They will do a bone scan to check for lesions in his bony skeleton which are suspicious for malignancy and they may want to scan and re scan his brain for lesions. If you smoke for 20 yrs and then stop, it does not lessen your chances of getting lung cancer. You already did the damage. It does lessen the likelihood you will die from emphysema. I hate to be the bad news bear, but your father in law is in trouble and he already knows it. The 5 yr survival rate is less than I believe 5%.
10 :
If they catch it early and/or can do surgery you can survive. My husband had no symptoms thought he hurt his back at work. He was diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4 He went thru radiation, chemo, gamma knife procedure. He also took a drug called tarceva it has had very good results. It is very expensive ask his doctor about tarceva. He passed 78 days after his diagnosis. Good luck I hope everything works out all right.

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