Saturday, July 28, 2012

Is there cold hard proof that smoking causes lung cancer

Is there cold hard proof that smoking causes lung cancer?
I recently quit smoking and am trying to get my girlfriend to follow suit. During a spirited discussion recently she said she wasn't convinced that smoking causes lung cancer as there was no hard proof of it. Is she right?
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You can try asking my grandmothers, my gradfather, and my aunt. Oh wait - they are all DEAD due to smoking! (BTY - good for you for quitting!)
2 :
Just google lung cancer and you will see for yourself the causes of it.I will tell you that smokers get what is called small cell or oat cell cancer and it is a bad way to go.The data is out there!!!!
3 :
She is absolutely 100% wrong. The type of lung cancer that smokers get was rare until smoking became common. Even the tobacco companies no longer claim that there is no link between smoking and cancer. You can find people who assert there is no such connection, just as you can find contrarians on all positions, and of course there are people who smoke and don't get cancer. Some people claim that tobacco is the most addictive substance in the world. I don't know if that's true, but I know that tobacco companies have altered certain brands of cigarettes so that smokers are essentially free-basing nicotine. The truth is your gf doesn't want to give it up.
4 :
There is definately a link between smoking and lung cancer. Scientifically however, you can't absolutely prove it until other potential causes are removed from the environment. Other things have been linked to lung cancer too. It's not that I believe that smoking is healthy or a smart thing to do, I just believe that ABSOLUTE proof doesn't exist yet.
5 :
My father died of lung cancer.He was a smoker.aged 64years old. The question his macmillan nurse asked us and also the nurses at the hospise where he died was....Was his cancer linked to his smoking because there are 7 kinds of lung cancer and only ONE of them is the result of smoking?????? Others are asbestosis, working in a mine, cronic bronchitusis, COPD,..etc.. Not all are linked to smoking. Make your own quess....but smoking is bad for you, some live some die. The neighbour who died at 102years old gave up smoking at 99years old because he kept falling asleep and was scared of setting himself on fire.?????
6 :
She is right. Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogens. Carcinogens have the potential to cause cancer by possibly mutating genes. This means the risk is greater with more exposure to carcinogens like cigarette smoke but, does not gurantee it. Statistics at many websites illustrate the greater risk of many diseases when smoking. (Cancer not just lung, heart disease, etc.)

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