Friday, June 12, 2009

Can i get financial assistance to care for my dad that has late stage lung cancer

Can i get financial assistance to care for my dad that has late stage lung cancer?
Just finding out my dad has lung cancer i need to go back and help care for him in his final days. I live in another state, and would have to move back temporarly to care for him. Is there any financial assistance i can apply for to help with my living expences?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i'm really sorry to hear that. I found a web link for you which may help. hope this helps :)
2 :
You need to go to assistance office and apply for it and also go to Social Security office and apply for SSI or SSD, either way he qualifies for state Medicaid card
3 :
If your dad does not have an estate from which you can draw funds and he agrees to pay you, in the USA, I doubt if there is any agency that will give you financial assistance. However, or check into other Cancer Societies, they might assist you in moving and finding help for your dad, while you relocate and find a job. He should also be eligible for hospice care

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