Saturday, June 20, 2009

How many cigarettes would it take to increase the chance of lung cancer

How many cigarettes would it take to increase the chance of lung cancer?
i mean my chance of lung cancer. sorry I'm 15. i like smoking and how it feels. I'm not addicted, i haven't smoked for 2 days. i have smoked about 14 cigs in my life.. if i smoke 4 more on vacation to finish up my last pack would that increase my chance? how many would you need to smoke to significantly increase that chance.
Respiratory Diseases - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
You need to smoke regularly really.
3 :
it depends on your LUCK... someone in our place got a lung cancer.. i think he said he only light up... uhmmm?? ... 7 packs of marlboro red in his whole life... i dunno.. i'm a smoker before.. but now.. i've stopped, because of what he said *lol*, i think i've light up about 10 packs in my whole career life.. im 19 years old and i ididn't get any lung problem's. lucky me :D if i were you.. ill rather stop than continue... >>vote me if ive helped you<<
4 :
any time you start smoking you have increased your chances of two things: 1. of continuing to smoke, and 2. of increasing your risks for heart/lung disease. generally young teens are smoking b/c they think it looks cool; or are trying to impress their friends; or someone else has talked them into it. i assure you smoking is bad for your health and it has been proven over and over and over. now there are some people who can smoke most of their lives and not have experienced lung cancer but they are the odd survivors not the typical smokers who contract disease. another very serious issue with young people is b/c you're young you don't feel the effects of smoking on your lungs and heart. you're likely to not have a problem for 20 or 30 years when you'll be going to a doctor saying " I feel so tired all the time". by then its to late your lungs and heart have been subjected to the smoke and chemicals for so long that there is no treatment to reverse the lung/heart problems. you may never get lung cancer but you will suffer irreversible lung tissue destruction, and cardiac decompensation (CHF), and likely high blood pressure. go visit a VA hospital and look at some of those old geezers and ask them what they think of you smoking. i 've treated VA residents with tracheotomies (surgical hole in their throat to breath) who still smoke through the hole. nicotine is the most addictive chemical on the planet, right up there with cocaine, heroin, and morphine. you make up your own mind.

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