Sunday, July 24, 2011

What is a child's risk for lung cancer from radon exposure @ 16 pCi/L

What is a child's risk for lung cancer from radon exposure @ 16 pCi/L?
We had a radon system installed last year, but for the majority of my daughter's young life, she was exposed here in our home to radon levels of approximately 16 upstairs (23 in the basement). My daughter is 3 and now has her first case of pneumonia. I saw her chest xray and the pediatrician remarked that it seemed 'streaky'. Is it possible she could have lung cancer? I want to get a second opinion on the xray.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
3 year olds do not get lung cancer. Someone considered young for lung cancer is someone under 45. High radiation exposure does increase the risk for various cancers, but this does not happen overnight. The youngest person I have seen with lung cancer was 32 and it was her second cancer. When she was 8 years old she was at Chernobyl when it exploded.
2 :
16 pCi/L is a high level. But I hope you are overreacting. Do you monitor the radon level? Here is a place to read more: I use the radon safety siren to continuously monitor the radon level to be sure the system works. Good luck!

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