Thursday, June 12, 2008

Can cancer spread to the brain when someone is haveing chemo for lung cancer

Can cancer spread to the brain when someone is haveing chemo for lung cancer?
I have stage 4 lung cancer. The doctor said it was not in my brain in june 07 I have had 11 chemo treatments so far and it seams to be working. i'm 46 now. I have been having headaches....
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
cancer can spread anywhere in your body.
2 :
yes it can, the reason for the chemo, is to try to stop the cancer. Geesh how old are you? You are too young
3 :
Yes, unfortunately it can. But the hope is that the chemotherapy treatments you are having was able to kill the microscopic cancer before it reached the brain. There is something called the blood-brain barrier where it is difficult for most chemo drugs to cross. There are now specific chemo drugs that will cross that barrier and can kill metastatic cancer (Temodar is one). Your doctor should continue to monitor you and should you have any symptoms (unusual headaches) tell your doctor right away. There is also treatment for metastatic brain lesions if they are found early (gamma knife or even surgery is possible). It is something that you should be aware of, but there is no sense in dwelling on it . . as stated, hopefully the chemo you've had has taken care of the microscopic disease already. Stay strong. There is always hope.
4 :
Just lost my dad to metastatic lung cancer...we fought the battle together so I truely feel your pain. As he was undergoing chemotherapy for the lung cancer and radiation for the brain tumor, the tumors in the lungs kept on growing. This probably doesn't scientifically answer your question but I am of the belief that although chemotherapy works in some cases it does not work in all and the cancer spreads and grows while he was having treatments. My heart goes out to you. A link that I found after his passing was This site is in no way something in place of doctors orders but there are some great philosophies in the books there. Since I knew that the chemo wasn't working, I was desperate to try anything. We tried Essiac tea but apparently it was too late for him. I am always here if you want to talk at anytime. Keep up the fight!!!!
5 :
Yes indeed it can spread to the brain. I am very sorry to hear that you are being treated for lung cancer. Best wishes on your journey. Can you post how chemotherapy is going for you? The effects you have? I have an in-law who has survived lung cancer, she has been cancer free for over 5 years now, more like over 8 years now. Her son was diagnosed 3 years ago with brain cancer. He had two rather large tumors in his brain at the time of diagnoses. This was inoperable. The radiation therapy shrunk the tumors down to the size of quarters before his last dose of intensive radiation therapy.

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