Sunday, June 8, 2008

What are the first signs of Lung Cancer

What are the first signs of Lung Cancer?
Hopefully you can tell me from your own personal story. Hubby is not a smoker but he is a deputy sheriff and he has spent alot of time in the jails. He is being tested for lung cancer since they have found several black spots on his lungs. Anyone care to share their Personal story of their 'first' symptoms and what they were?
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm sorry to hear. My mother's breathing was compromised. Less energy. There's a smoker at work whose cough won't go away. I'd bet she's a candidate.
2 :
I'm sorry about what you and your husband must be going through. I have read that the black spots could be from scarring or infection. Another possible cause: Histoplasmosis, a disease that is prevalent in river valleys, and is caused by bird feces, in dust form, entering the lungs, can cause this phenomenon of black spots on the lungs. I hope the tests come back okay. I know it's hard not to worry. I don't know anyone with lung cancer, but here are some of the first signs that I got from the website below: *Hacking, persistent cough * Coughing up blood * Shortness of breath * Wheezing * Chest pain * Lost appetite * Lost weight * Recurring bronchitis or pneumonia I'll be thinking about you and hoping everything's fine.
3 :
Hi Jayjay... Autumn gave you some classic symptoms of lung cancer so I won't repeat them. Unfortunately sometimes there are very limited symptoms until the cancer is advanced. I had a nagging cough from what I thought was recurrent bronchitis that I had 15 yrs earlier.. went in for antibiotics, suspicious shadows were seen on the xray.. A CT scan confirmed multiple tumors, a biopsy determined I was already in stage iv, inoperable with lung cancer. Many times shadows (which are white in xrays) are not cancer, many are infections and/or scar tissue. I hope the best for your husband and his future tests prove to be negative for cancer.
4 :
my second wife died from lung cancer, we found out that she was 5 mons preg. and she had cancer the same week, her symptoms was shortness of breath, then she had fluid build up around her lungs, they told her she had 10 months to live, if she would abort the child she could have as much as 14 mons with chemo, she chose not to abort, thank God cos i have the sweetest 12 yr old son he is truely a gift from God, anyway 10 after she was told she passed away, she was 42 yrs old, one other thing the doctor who treated her after she had our son told me that we all have cancer cells in our body, it just takes something to start them growing, i hope the best for ur husband, i will say a prayer for him, may include you in it also
5 :
My dad had many black spots and scaring on his lungs, he worked a few years when he was very young in the mines. Although he never developed lung cancer, he always had issues breathing. He died several years ago from mini-strokes, so I guess he was somewhat lucky, not having to fight cancer on top of his other health issues. Keep us informed, we will be thinking about you and your husband. Wow! some very interesting stories, I'm always amazed by some of the people on Yahoo, they are awesome and so great.
6 :
u know im praying for him jj. thats right, no jokes or 'id do him if he ........' not on this one girlfriend!

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