Saturday, June 28, 2008

How long do you have to be around smoke to get lung cancer

How long do you have to be around smoke to get lung cancer? long do you have to "second hand" smoke before you develop lung cancer? I heard it can happen if you're around a smoker at least one time. And what if you're also twenty years old? When will the lung cancer be developed then? Is there still a chance of getting lung cancer if you're riding in the car with all the windows open? Or if you're in an open space?
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you actually smoke it could take 30 to 40 years to develop lung cancer second hand smoke 40 to 80 years if ever. As Yoda would say be afraid not.
2 :
My father was a heavy smoker all his life and died of lung cancer when he was 76. So the answer is, no-one can say for sure. It's not like anthrax.
3 :
Never. Do me a favor, just list three people who have died from second-hand smoke.
4 :
It takes years even for an avid smoker to develop lung cancer and I havent heard any one getting lung cancer from second hand, but it does have a huge effect on people who are asthmatic or other respiratory conditions. Second hand smoke cancer? Not likely at all. Developing respiratory conditions are very probable.
5 :
There is no particular time table to die from smoke, second hand or primary. Everyone is different and a lot depends on your own body's ability to fight of diseases, your activity level, your overall health, and luck. Remember cancer is a mutation of cells that gather in one area. So the carcinogen you take in from second hand or as a primary smoker may not give you or someone lung cancer it could cause some other cancer. What you will see in a primary smoker's lungs are that they start turning color to a black and lose elasticity that could lead to emphysema or lung cancer. So there are no strict rules to go by that tell one they will get cancer doing this or that it is that doing those things make them more susceptible to cancer. Give you a personal example I recently had prostate cancer surgery. Based on my health, activity level, no drugs, alcohol, multiple physical exams, etc. the doctors didn't believe I had cancer but the blood test showed I did. Instead of waiting to see again in 6 months, I made them do a biopsy which came back positive. So luck was on my side in one manner but not the other. I hope this helps and wish there were specific sound facts for cancer but there aren't. Good luck
6 :
10 years
7 :
Developing smoking related lung cancer depends alot on your genetics and if you have any pre-existing pulmonary conditions. For example Israel and Gaza are right next to each other, yet Gaza has one of the highest rates of lung cancer in the world, yet Israel has one of the lowest. Both these countries are heavy smoker populated.

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