Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My 70 year old mother is recovering from lung cancer, but she seems so to have given up. How do I help her

My 70 year old mother is recovering from lung cancer, but she seems so to have given up. How do I help her?
She has always played the "victim" role. She will not let go of "cancer world". She never calls me or my sisters, we always have to call her. It is almost as if she enjoys being sick and wants everyone to take care of her. My dad has been gone for 7 years. My three other sisters live oout of state. I feel so all alone.
Mental Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm not sure, but you could try taking her out to somewhere she loves now/ loved when she was younger, getting her to remmember better times and realize that she still can have fun!
2 :
Sorry to hear about your mother, I know what you are going through, My mother in law is the same way. She just wants some one around for she is lonely and don't have any one to talk with.Remember once she is gone there is nothing we can do, Just do as much as you can and thank the good Lord you still have her for a while, yet, I told my mother in law one day that if she really feels she is ready to died, go ahead every thing will be OK and life will go on. This seemed to make her stop and think about what she was saying and now only calls cause she wants to talk. Good luck

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