Saturday, December 12, 2009

Does the lung cancer occur because of a large amount of second hand smoke of one year

Does the lung cancer occur because of a large amount of second hand smoke of one year?
In the case of Squamous cell lung cancer.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
there's not even DEFINITIVE proof that DIRECT smoking causes lung cancer let alone second hand smoke. especially over such a short period. Fact is, people that NEVER smoked in their lives or were even around secondhand smoke also get lung cancer. It is thought that smoking increases the risk but that's all there is to it. I'm sure your fine. if your experiencing obvious symptoms, see a doctor.
2 :
If that was true all four of my dads kids would have lung cancer. He loved to take us for rides in that old station wagon. Then he smoked continually. That thing filled up with smoke while he was showing us the wonders of nature. He died of stomach cancer which was a suprise, we knew one day his lungs would give out. None of us have cancer and we are all getting close to 70 years old.
3 :
If people died of second head smoke then half the population of this country must be dead already Stop worrying of things you can't change and start working on things YOU (and the next generation) can do something about

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