Monday, May 28, 2012

Can dogs get lung cancer from second hand smoke

Can dogs get lung cancer from second hand smoke?
Or do they not live long enough to develop cancer from second hand smoke? I don't smoke. I was just watching House Md, and got curious.
Dogs - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I dunno about lung cancer but it can negatively affect their health(circulation, cronic coughing). It is not good for any living thing to breathe in smoke. It is air pollution but concentrated in a house/car. Do what is best for you and your pets... QUIT!!! Good Luck!
2 :
Im sure they can
3 :
They are more likely to get cancer from vaccines and toxins in their food bowls, chemicals dumped on them month after month their entire lives. No one ever really wants to address that even though the science has been done to prove it.
4 :
Unfortunately (for the rats) one of the ways scientists work out that second hand smoke is dangerous was to constantly fill their cages with 2nd hand rats, humans and dogs have similar respiratory systems they worked out that 2nd hand smoke causes cancer in rats - therefore in dogs and humans.
5 :
6 :
Do dogs suffer from lung cancer at all?
7 :
I'm not so sure about lung cancer, but I know dogs can get nasal/throat cancer from secondhand smoke, especially dogs with longer snouts.
8 :
Yes, second hand smoke affects animals as much as us. They get different kinds of cancers not only lung cancers. Cats, for example, lick themselves to clean themselves, and with all the smoke and tar on their coats they can get mouth cancers. Long nosed breeds of dogs are more prone to getting cancerous nasal tumors. And they are not just affected by the smoke but also pollution and other environmental hazards.
9 :
I completely agree with Freedom. Commercial dog food is perhaps the biggest killer in dogs, why buy it anyway, its more expensive than fresh food from your home!
10 :
dogs age alot faster than humans do, and their lungs are alot smaller than ours in essence, our pets are effected by second hand smoke worse than we are: besides various forms of cancer, pets are at risk of many types of health concerns from second hand smoke my kitten was barely 10 months old when he developed a smokers cough, and I've never smoked! The only person in my building who smokes is my landlord who lives below me, I checked it out with the vet and luckily they said it was asthma. However I've been advised by the vet to find a new place to live as my cat asthma could become worse, he could even get cancer if he continues to be exposed to second hand smoke. I'm looking for a new smoke-free apartment right now but until then I've set up air purifiers around the apartment, I take my cat outside on his leash everyday for some fresh air, and I'm never late to give him his medication. I've also found that grooming him helps because then he doesn't lick up all the smoke residue that's in his fur. hope this answers your question: pets are more at risk from second hand smoke than we are.
11 :
I dont think so.... But I do know that some have smoke allergies. Dogs can actually be allergic to all sorts of things. Certain foods, dust mites etc...

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