Monday, April 20, 2009

How does lung cancer kill humans

How does lung cancer kill humans?
I recently had a friend lose the battle to lung cancer, and I want to know how he died. Was it suffocation?
Cancer - 14 Answers
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1 :
no the cancer destroyed his lungs and spread to his heart
2 :
its not worth knowing, trust me. Just know that he is safe now and with god :)
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Lung Cancer is a disease that begins in the tissue of the lungs. The lungs are sponge-like organs that are part of the respiratory system. During breathing, air enters the mouth or nasal passage and travels down the trachea. The trachea splits into two sets of bronchial tubes that lead to the left and right lung. The bronchi branch off into smaller and smaller tubes that eventually end in small balloon-like sacs known as alveoli. The alveoli are where oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other substances are exchanged between the lungs and the blood stream.
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Skippy is not a Dr, but he thinks you pretty much need your lungs.
6 :
umm.. well there are many ways.. maybe he used drugs..the tart can be stuck in his liver or lungs and clogged for his breathing of oxygen. eating unhealthy stuff..such as eating too much fat and oils or maybe its just genetic in his heredity life.
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sometimes a tumor can cause suffocation, but often it is just the deadening of the cells. When they start dying, they can no longer transfer oxygen around the body, and eventually his blood will have too little oxygen, causing his heart to slowly stop beating. It's almost like starvation, except of the heart not the stomach. I am sorry for your loss, and I hope this helped your question.
8 :
Well I had a grandma who had breast cancer she survived 16 years with it and I think he died because he couldn't breath or his body just couldn't take it anymore.
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Sorry to hear about your friend. My father also died from lung cancer. But not the cancer itself. He died of complications from pneumonia.
10 :
suffocation is the round about answer.... its hard to explain... basically cancer eats up your good cells leaving no room for more to reproduce.... the body (white blood cells) cant fight of the "bad cells" so the immune system weakens (you don't use it you lose it).... the cancer can eventually take over the body and essentially "suffocate" it to death....
11 :
Lung cancer kills u by slow suffocation It starts out like this Your cells in your lungs start growing abnormally and cant function properly. Cant inhale exhale sort of thing When these abnormal cell become so large you start coming short of breath. This is how it kills you keep getting shorter and shorter breaths till you suffocate. Also Chemotherapy kills too. Chemo kills the bad cells ( the abnormal ones ) and the good cells. The chemical in chemo destroys all the cells aruond the bad cells. So if your friend took chemo and radiation thats also how he died
12 :
well from a biology viewpoint...cells in the lungs became mutated which caused them to not stop growing when they reached a certain point. they continued to grow and created a tumor. i dont know exactly what happened to your friend but usually the cancerous cells continue to reproduce elsewhere in the body which can lead to death. im very sorry to hear about your friend.
13 :
Cells have a natural function to "turn off" or die after a set amount of time. cancer cells have that function turned off, so they just keep replicating and make a massive blob called a tumor. if the tumor, and all infected cells are not removed, it blocks up the lungs and doesn't allow oxygen into them. Sorry about your friend.
14 :
Download and read this e-book man will be very helpful for cancer.

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