Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How can you tell if someone has lung cancer

How can you tell if someone has lung cancer?
My boss lost a lot of weight I think he has lung cancer. He keep coughing and he looks very week . When he does cough it is in a very week way . I think he Hiding it from everyone. He keeps drinking whight gain shake. Just last year he was saying how he wants to lose weight Now he cant keep it on. I see him only every few week but he seems week over the phone . He does not look like he,s on chemo. I feel so bad for him.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yeah, it sounds like lung cancer.
2 :
Many, many illnesses can cause the symptoms you describe. Cancer is a possibility, but far from the only one. It's nice you are concerned and says a lot about the kind of boss he must be.
3 :
There are many, many different illnesses out there that are not cancer. He could have something else wrong with him! Don't count him out yet.

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