Thursday, April 16, 2009

How does lung cancer affect a person's everyday life

How does lung cancer affect a person's everyday life?
How does lung cancer affect a person's everyday life? I would to have some links to back up your answer.
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
um, you can't breath eventually. I'm thinking that this would effect your daily life...
2 :
You need to do your own homework dude.
3 :
I'm pretty sure you can't play that many sports and you have trouble breathing. Good luck!-
4 :
My mom has had surgery for lung cancer twice (sections of both lungs have been removed) and really her life isn't much different. An interesting fact, I've read different places that stated quality of life is the best predictor of outcome (survival) I did include a link to one article about that, there are many.

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