Sunday, April 12, 2009

How long does it take to get lung cancer

How long does it take to get lung cancer?
I'm 15. I don't live in a polluted area. I smoke marijuana maybe 10 times a year. I've had 1 drag of a tobacco cigarette. I have a bad throat lately, and white, painless bumps on the back of my tongue. Lung cancer?
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Rofl dude -.- I'm 19 and I've smoked for about 6 years now and I feel fine :P and I have a family history of cancer... And the white lumps you see in the back of your tongue are nothing to worry about, Also if you are worried just see a doctor :P
2 :
Go and see a doctor to get it checked if you are worried, but the bumps on your tongue are probably nothing to worry about. You don't smoke much so it's unlikely you have lung cancer. There is no predictable time it takes to get cancer, some people smoke their whole lives and don't get it and others get it young. It depends on your genes and other lifestyle factors. Some people get it just from passive smoking.
3 :
Chris I've seen these things before. It sounds like strep throat. I'll tell you what a Dr told me once when I asked about lung cancer because I used to smoke. She told me that when lung cancer shows up on an x-ray, it's usually too late by then. That was 30 yrs ago, I'm sure better things are used now to detect lung cancer and it does not manifest itself with white spots and sore throat. Go get a strep test because that;s what it sounds like. Do it soon because it's very contagious. Good luck Hope you feel better.
4 :
LOL, since when was a sore throat lung cancer? It takes years to get from any of these things, if you do have cancer it's from something else. And at 15 it's far too rare to worry about.
5 :
depends. my mom smoked for 20 years, quit for 17, got lung cancer and wasn't told about it for 2 years.

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