Wednesday, February 20, 2013

today at night i woke up and my dad was snoring, then i heard him make a whistle noise. lung cancer

today at night i woke up and my dad was snoring, then i heard him make a whistle noise. lung cancer?
i heard my dad make a whistling noise while he was breathing at night, first it was normal, then around every 10 seconds i would hear a little whistle. i saw the lung cancer commercial about hearing a whistling noise. my dad smoked since he was 12 and now he is 40. he had a checkup for lung cancer in february and nothing was found. the whistling noise also wasnt very loud, it was kind of faint.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it could be general snoring sound made by rolling of tongue ....
2 :
Relax. Whistling sounds are very common when there is a little congestion in the chest. Nothing to worry about, I do it al the time and when I was in the Air Force a lot of my barracks mates made the sound.
3 :
I have your answer I probed google, yahoo and alexa and support this check it out I will check and let you know

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