Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What helps lung cancer to grow

What helps lung cancer to grow?
i heared that cancer cells need oxygen to grow how do you explain a person getting lung cancer after few months having heart attack. i know the cancer could have been there b4 that but can heart medicine like aspirin provide more oxygen to the cancer cells and give chance to grow?
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not sure on the aspirin and other medicine's providing more oxygen. But oxygen is the key. All I do know is that everyone I've ever known that consented to having "exploratory surgery" wound up dead within 3 months. As soon as the surgeon opens up the body and air hits the cancer cells they then begin to grow at a rapidly accelerated pace. And if you are a long-time smoker diagnosed with lung cancer, you may as well continue smoking. To stop at that point would not prolong, but shorten what life you have left due to all the extra oxygen without cigarette smoke. Hope you find the proper answer for this question. These are more or less some insights I thought I'd share with you. Good Luck. Peace.
2 :
smoking, stay away from it.
3 :
Your cancer was probably there b4. It just did not peak its ugly head until after your heart attack. Cancer cells are a strange type of cell that multiplies on its own. It is what the doctors call quickly dividing cells that are not normal cells. Chemo therapy is used to kill those quickly dividing cells. I see it like this, your body is imbalanced because of these fast acting cells. It does not matter how much aspirin you took or how much oxygen the cancer cells get that make them grow.
4 :
Some post heart attack medication effects the immune systerm.This would allow the cancer to takehold better and to spread.
5 :
The cancer cells were probably there already, just that they were below the level for clinical detection. The other possibility is that the person's immune system was weakened, and this allowed the cancerous cells to grow. There a longer explanation about cancer at: http://www.cancerdoubts.com

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