Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How long can a person have to live with lung cancer

How long can a person have to live with lung cancer?
Well my 75 year old grandpa just was diaognosed with lung cancer and i am worried that he might die soon =[ . Could he die within this year or can he still live for another 10 years. i would ask him my self, but i do not want to pressure him/make him nervous..
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it depends. sometimes a few months sometimes years.
2 :
My father was diagnosed with lung cancer over 12 years ago. He had part of a lung removed and is still here today. So, don't give up hope.
3 :
my mom is 59 and was just diagnosed with stage 4 NSCLC in oct of 2007. she's currently at home under hospice care, and has only days/weeks left to live. it all depends on if your grandpa wants to do chemo and/or radiation, and if he has a good response to it/them. my mom had a HORRIBLE response to allergy, and she stopped doing chemo earlier this year & started radiation. now, she's done with all that. she just wants to stay at home & live out the rest of her days without being poked & prodded and so very sick from chemo. good luck. it's hard.
4 :
Depends on the type of lung cancer. Small cell cancer is the worst and most live less than a year. Other cancers may be confined to one lobe of a lung a removal means cure. Many people beat lung cancer it just depends on the stage. Stage 1 is early cancer, stage 4 and 5 is late cancer with not much hope for a cure. Spend as much time with your grandpa as you can, he has a wealth of information to share with you and it will be great memories for you later in life.
5 :
I had cancer, I beat it too, well, i guess you could say i caught it early enough. Cancer doesn't mean that the person will die, there are ways to beat it and fight it off. It really depends how soon your grandfather's cancer was caught and what his treatment options are at this time. i wish there was a Crystal clear answer, the truth is that everyone is different, everyone passes away differently, depending on his treatment options, the type of cancer and the spread of the cancer he may live another 10 years or longer, however, there are no guarantees with anything. talking to your grandfather may not be a bad thing, but, it depends how open your family is with talking about issues.ask your mom or dad before talking to your grandfather. it's normal to be scared, not knowing what will happen is a scary thing, especially when you don't know exactly what the situation is, i would talk with your family and if they are open to sharing feelings then express your concerns and fears unfortunately, we all could pass away, cancer or no cancer, i've learned to really appreciate life, especially when i spent a year, or wasted a year concerend about if life was going to be taken away from me, my advice to you is, no matter what the situation is, no matter how long your grandfather has to live, enjoy all the moments you have with him and always keep him in your memory, if he only has 1 year left or 20 years left, enjoy all the moments you have with him, so, that one day when he finally passes away you will always have those memories and moments to remember
6 :
My Brother was told he had 6 months and lived a year and a half.

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