Sunday, February 24, 2013

what are my friend's risk for lung cancer and other cancers through his lifestyle

what are my friend's risk for lung cancer and other cancers through his lifestyle?
My friend loves to drink and drinks almost every weekend. He also smokes like about 2 packs a day. And he does drugs as well (mostly weed, he did cocaine once). He's only 24. What are his risks for getting cancers (especially lung cancer) and for getting liver damage. If he continues this lifestyle, at what age should diseases hit him because of his current lifestyle? I don't really try to tell him to change because I'm in no position to tell him how he lives his life, but I'd like to know for myself
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hello, It depends on many factors. You wont wont know for sure until it happens. Factors that can influence are genetics (is he predisposed to have cancers (that would take into account his family history)) and environmental factors (does he live in a polluted city?). If he is genetically predisposed, it means hat he may get cancer because he has certain mutations that makes him prone to it. In this case, it is better not to smoke because smoking would be the trigger that would fire the cancer. The same with drinking. Some other people are genetically predisposed and they have a healthy life style. Still, they get cancer. It is all a matter of luck. And since we don't know if we are going to get it, it is better to prevent to be exposed to things that could trigger it! A side note: Wine, specially red, if drunk in moderation, it helps to prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. I hope I helped! Sorry there is not a definite answer... it all about your genes, and we don't know much about them yet...
2 :
Eventually this lifestyle will catch up with him & it will surface & he will have to make changes, hopefully before it is too late. It isn't by any means instant & therefore he like many people think that they are safe & will not get cancer, etc........!! However the Bible says: *Be sure UR sin's will find you out. *You Reap what you sow.

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