I have a friend in TX that's getting a CT scan. How long till the doctors will be able to tell if it's lung cancer or not?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
it should take 1-3 days ,at the most a week.
2 :
I am not sure about TX, but it normally takes about a week to get my results back. A CT wil not be able to fully determine if a suspicious shadow is cancer, but it will show where the problem or problems are, then they can do a biopsy to determine if it is indeed cancer or not.
3 :
most hospitals in texas take about a week before you hear anything.
4 :
If it is cancer you will know immediately. Whenever my son had a CT we knew the same day. I asked his doctor about it and she said it actually depends on the radiologist. If he is there than he will read it right away. I am really not sure why for some patients it takes a week, other than I suppose . . priority. We also got to see the CT with my sons doctor . . she would explain what we were looking at. The scans can be burned onto a CD and you can take them to each doctor you visit. They just pop it into a computer and go over the scans with you.
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