Saturday, February 28, 2009

lung cancer

lung cancer?
my dad has been told he has small cell lung cancer,and only 2months left,can this not be cured??
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Unfortunately, lung cancer is among the most virulent cancers. It as a high mortality rate.
2 :
If it's detected early, small-cell carcinoma of the lung is responsive to chemotherapy and radiation, but it's a VERY malignant tumor with high tendency toward metastasis, so if it's detected late, then treatment options might be limited because it might be so widespread and involved in too many organs. You should inquire about his treatment options, because it is generally one of the more-treatable cancers if detected somewhat early.
3 :
I'm sorry to hear about your dad - it is a scary diagnosis and a devastating one. Lung cancer is one of the more deadly cancers. The highest probability for long-term survival is for those whose tumor is confined to one lobe of the lung. Under those conditions, surgery is an option, followed by chemotherapy. However, in most cases, the cancer is not discovered until the cancer has spread beyond one lobe. That may be your dad's situation. After that, surgery is not an option because they cannot remove more than one lobe and because the cancer has often metastacized to other organs. My dad was one of the lucky ones. His tumor was confined to just one lobe and was able to have surgery and chemo. He finished chemo about a year ago and to date remains cancer free. He had surgery at age 83, which is unusual in itself. He quit smoking at age 40 and was in good physical condition because he exercises and takes care of himself. Without that, he would not have been a surgery candidate and would probably not be here today. There are a lot of new treatments coming on line that have extended the lives of lung cancer patients and have made their remaining time easier. You should do whatever research you can to find to see if there are new treatments that will help. My best wishes to you and your dad. It seemed like a long time till we knew what my dad's actual prognosis was and it was a very difficult time for all of us. My prayers are with you.
4 :
my mother passed away from it and no it can't be cured. It is very bad, and I am sorry to prays are with you......if it is prolonged or put in remission chances are high it will return
5 :
DON'T ever give up ! Find a a bigger hospital ,cancer center ,or university. My mother has lung Cancer and thankfully is heading in to her last round of chemo and her prognoses is very good, But we went to a few local DR and were not happy with the treatments they recommended so now we drive aver 2 hours a way to The Karmanos cancer center in Detroit MI. The bigger cancer places are more willing and have more options than smaller places. There is always something that can be done. If you are willing to try. also look in to CANTRON www. I hear it works really good on terminal cancer. Good Luck ! keep the hope !
6 :
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a subset of lung cancer that behaves differently than the majority of lung cancers (non-small cell lung cancer or NSCLC). It is not treated in the same way others are (which is usually surgery), regardless of whether it is a small tumor or a large one. In fact, it is not staged in the traditional I through IV stages as NSCLC, rather, you divide it into just two types: limited stage (small tumor) or extensive stage (advanced or metastatic). While SCLC is very responsive, meaning you can get rid of it with chemotherapy and radiation; it is often times not curable, and tends to recur as time goes on. There are some patients who are cured, and the prognosis depends on whether your father has limited or extensive stage. In regards to how long your father has to live, remember, numbers are just that, numbers. It is usually quoted as an average. Which means there are ppl who live less and people who live a lot more. Hope this helps, good luck.
7 :
I hope this news I have is helpful. Read the blog that I link to below in my sources....Here is an excerpt: "4 February 2007 Watch the Edmonton News Report of Cancer Cure Dichloroacetate (DCA) Edmonton Global News television report on dichloroacetate cancer cure and interview with discoverer Dr. Evangelos Michelakis, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta."
8 :
Search for answers by looking outside of the medical field, in the area of alternative medicine. Five hundred years ago, people said the world was flat. Today, people say that if the FDA and AMA haven't blessed something, it can't be real good. Well, here's something I know to be real AND good. It's a little different take on cancer treatment-- In 1990, I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, stage 3-B, but I've survived. My doctors were great people, but they were limited to surgery, chemo and radiation by profitable AMA treatment policy. During the year in treatment, I started learning about alternative medicine. I'm a retired engineer, and this is what I've pieced together--our IMMUNE SYSTEMS become weakened by poor nutrition, lack of exercise and reduced oxygen. Once that happens, our body becomes vulnerable to common STRESSORS. Stressors can be environmental, like viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, food additives, electromagnetic waves or pollution. They can be internal things like emotional or job stress, or poisonous people in our lives. Aging is also a contributing factor. So this means: WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM + STRESSORS = DISEASE (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) Our bodies have 60 trillion--yes, trillion--cells, and there are always some mutating into cancer cells, but a healthy immune system kills them before they have a chance to get a foothold in the body. It takes a LONG time, usually, or a high level of stressors, to weaken the immune system to the point where it won't do its job, but once cancer has formed, it will generally spread rapidly. THIS IS IMPORTANT! There are ways to BEAT cancer that are currently being used in Europe and around the world, and there are some great books on the subject. I know because I've read about 50 of them from cover to cover. Here's a list of the best ones. Some are out of print and getting hard to find-- "The Cure for All Cancers", ISBN 0963632825 "A Cancer Therapy", ISBN 0882681052 "Oxygen Therapies", ISBN 0962052701 "Hydrogen Peroxide--Medical Miracle", ISBN 1885236077 "The Natural Cure for Cancer--Germanium", ISBN 0533071410 "Killing Cancer", ISBN 0705000966 "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About", ISBN 0975599518 I know of people whose cancer has 'spontaneously remitted' (WENT AWAY for no known reason) AFTER they went on programs of herbs and nutrition to restart their immune systems. You and your family must look out for yourselves to stand a chance of being healthy. This is not a joke, and I'm not selling anything--just trying to help. I am using the things I learned in those books right now to fight off a second infestation of cancer. I've been at it for over a year now, and think I'm going to make it. Use what works for you, and pass on your success. Best of luck.

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