Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lung cancer

Lung cancer?
I want to write a book about cancer. Lung cancer to be precise. I have searched the internet for information & I havn't found much. Can anyone tell me anything about a relative of theirs who had it or something? What happened to them. I don't want to upset anyone, I just want to get my info correct. Thank you so much.
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
My husband passed away two years ago from brain and lung cancer. I will help you but you need to contact me through the website. I learned so much in the few short days with my husband after the doctors found the cancer.
2 :
If you want info on lung cancer take a tripe to a cancer clinic (depends on where you at),
3 :
Why don't you write a book about something you know about? Usually writers write about something they know about. Do you really think you are going to get a publisher? Its sad to know that people like this procreate. Common sense is dead. This is a scam to get your email addresses. Do you really think this person could not find anything on lung cancer on the internet? Helllloooooooooo
4 :
I have terminal inoperable nsc lung cancer. If you would like to contact me thru my email, I would be happy to help you out.
5 :
I cannot answer but, maybe you can help to explain the ismael water and his supplement. curing cancer in less than a month and maximum three months. Visit Pls dont forget to publish your comment
6 :
I'm not sure it's a good idea to get all your information for a book form Yahoo Answers. There are already a LOT of books about cancer, have you read them all and planned what'll make your book different? If I were you, I'd find some proper info first (you may need to get hold of some medical textbooks and contact some doctors/professors or a cancer charity). Don't risk upsetting people by asking them to tell their story if there's a chance it's not going to be published and help others.
7 :
If you are serious, contact the Web link provided and volunteer to help. There is not enough attention given to lung cancer since it is not a popular disease, but in order to write a book, you need to do your homework, which may take years. Unless you have a passion for the topic or a personal experience, it would be easy to give up. Again, if you are serious, contact the Web link and help.

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