Wednesday, February 4, 2009

lung cancer

lung cancer?
how do i know if i have lung cancer?? 16 years affraid that i might get lung cancer..what are the ways to know if i have lung cancer??..if i need to go for surgery or remove it??.. i don't smoke i had a flu and cough last six ok now..but im still coughing this pass six weeks.. and my throat is kind of itchy upper breast hurts..
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The only way to know if you have lung cancer is to get x-rays at the doctors office and then further testing if they see anything on the see anything on the x-ray. They do surgery and/or chemo or radiation if you do have cancer.
2 :
It is highly unlikely that you have lung cancer if you are only 16 and do not smoke. However, one symptom of Lung CA is a persistant cough. If you do have this, go to your MD. He will listen to your lungs, and may get a Chest X-ray. If you have a nodule in your lung, they might do a biopsy, which is taking a sample of tissue from your lung, and run tests on it. Depending on the type of Cancer, they might remove part of the lung and treat you with Chemo or Radiation. Once again, this is very unlikely for someone of your age and history. If you are concerned go see your doctor.
3 :
Why do you think you have cancer at 16? Lung cancer at your age would be very rare...if you have trouble with your lungs...see a dr....they don't usually do surgery for lung cancer...radiation and chemo are more likely...good-luck! If you would like to check your symptoms go to
4 :
Seriously, lung cancer isn't the type of cancer people usually just *get*. As long as you never smoke (including marijuana) or spend a lot of time around people who do, you aren't very likely to ever get it.

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