Monday, April 16, 2012

can you get cancer talking to a person with a lung cancer

can you get cancer talking to a person with a lung cancer?
My uncle was diagnosed to have a lung cancer, and I'm going to visit him one of this day. I'm very anxious about having cancer or illness if I'll be talking or going near him specially that I have a 3 month old baby and still breastfeeding. If anyone of you there that could help me, please post your answers. thanks
Cancer - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, it is not contagious. Don't worry about it. And congrats on the baby!
2 :
No. Absolutely not. Cancer is not contagious.
3 :
4 :
dont talk daft
5 :
No...that's actually pretty rediculous. No cancer is contagious.
6 :
um NO. cancer is not contagious. duh!
7 :
no!! thats ridiculous! cancer is not contagious.
8 :
Cancer is not contagious.
9 :
Not contagious
10 :
the only cancer that is contagious is cervical cancer (actually the HPVirus). You may see more than one person in a household with lung cancer because of second hand smoke. The baby and you should both be fine as long as no one in the house is smoking.
11 :
No, but it sounds as if you may have been exposed to idiocentisis. I would get to a doctor, fast!
12 :
13 :
dont worry you will be fine. Cancer is not contagious at ALL! u and the baby will be fine.
14 :
I am ashamed at all the fellow yahoo answers users for posting such cruel remarks. You should never be afraid to ask about something that you do not know. I'm a protective mother myself and commend you for looking out for your baby. Everyone else is right on one thing, and that is that cancer is not contagious, not even cervical cancer. HPV is a virus that has been found to on occasion lead to cervical cancer, and HPV is contagious. However, HPV is a sexually transmitted disease more commonly known as genital warts. If you and another girl both had sex with a guy who had HPV and caught it, one of you could end up with cervical cancer and the other could not. Or neither of you could get it, because cancer is not contagious.
15 :
no way JOSE!
16 :
Cancer is not contagious in anyway. Cancer is just a normal occurance in everyone's body. Your cells sometimes mutate and become "deformed" - a healthy immune system will rid the body of those cells naturally. A comprimised immune system will not, and they will collect in a certain area- like your uncle's lungs. You can not catch it, your baby can not catch it, and it is safe to let him hold the baby too.

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