Friday, March 20, 2009

Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer?
what lifestyle changes can you make to prevent the disease? what can you to to improve your health once you have lung cancer? what problems or health related issues do you have to watch out for once you have the disease? any alternative methods that might help this disease?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Wow... that is a lot of info and I doubt if it can all be answered on here. in a nut shell Preventative: healthy life style, stress free, healthy diet Improve health: alkalize your body, exercise, supplements, medical treatment often helps. Related issues: Pneumonia, weight loss, depression, pain, metastasis. Alternatives: I am a believer in alternative in a holistic way. To help overcome cancer, one has to change the WHOLE outline of themselves. Give the body what it lacks to help the body heal. To go into more detail, feel free to email me to discuss.
2 :
u could stay away from cigertettes and smoke evan if u dont smoke but hang around peeps that do u could get second hand lung cancer.Get an air filter that contains mist so ur throat never is dry also u might want to see a doctor if this really consernes u

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