Wednesday, March 4, 2009

lung cancer

lung cancer?
what do they do if you have lung cancer will you die for sure or can they save you?
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
there are many variables that come into play. ie age of patient, how advanced it is, what type cancer it is.....lots of things.
2 :
The out look for people with lung cancer is not generally good. It isn't possible to give any real estimate of how serious the problem is without knowing a lot more about the patient than their initial diagnosis. The only way to know for certain what the likely outcome would be is to have a serious talk with the doctors.
3 :
Sadly, lung cancer is the malignancy with the highest death rate in the United States: 87% of male patients die within 5 years of diagnosis, 83% of females die within that time frame. For more information on lung cancer prevalence and survival rates go to the following link:
4 :
lots of variables here. type,stage, placement, cause. lung cancer can be beat. my bro and dad are living proof.
5 :
It depends on if it is small cell lung cancer or non-small cell lung cancer, and how far it has spread at time of treatment. It also depends where you are having treatments. Australia has a lower mortality rate from lung cancer than the US, 32% lower for men and 48% lower for women!
6 :
It is very hard to say. The most important factors are early detection and to maintain the medicatiom perscripted. Lung cancer is very difficult to detect early because it has no symptoms but I'm not saying you need to get a CT scan every month. If you do get any symptoms such as: bloody spit, change of cough pattern, pain in lungs, you are advised to see a doctor straight away as when metastasized, survival rates are very low.
7 :
First they will take a bi opsy and go from there ...... Chemo therapy first then a trans plant. The best place in the world if the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minn.. I have been there four times and I trust them with my heart and soul... Just go to and check them out.. Good luck Grant in Pennsylvania

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