Sunday, March 24, 2013

i know that everybody is different, but generally, how often does one have to smoke to get lung cancer

i know that everybody is different, but generally, how often does one have to smoke to get lung cancer??
I have smoked for about a year and a half. I know everyone's immune system is different, but have you ever heard of anyone getting lung cancer from smoking for only a year or a year and a half or 2 years? Is it common? I don't smoke a pack a day, either. I may smoke about 4 or 5 at most. I quit recently.
Cancer - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you don't have to smoke at all to get lung cancer. just being around someone else that smokes is enough. some people get it for no apparent reason. I don't think anyone can answer this for you. just don't smoke at all.
2 :
it may take years for your lungs to get clean again, but smoking short and quitting is always better than keeping on smoking. I have smoked for 15 years and I also recently quit. (1st januari) I too am afraid of lung cancer and I think you can count yourself lucky that you were able to quit. keep it up and your lungs will really clean themselves and with a tiny bit of luck you will never get it. I think my lungs will take a little longer to get clean again... :)
3 :
you quit thats great get a check up and go on with youre life. some people never smoke and get it (Dana reeves). good luck.
4 :
good job on the quiting. now :) if you are going to get lung cancer, its too late to do to much about it. ask your doctor to check for it. he will most likely have ways of finding out if you have it already. best bet is to detect it early.
5 :
you don't have to smoke to get lung cancer and you could be a lifelong chain smoker and not get it either. there is more involved than just smoking or not.
6 :
Well, life insurance tables have a reduced life expectancy for smokers from proven statistics. So if you quit permanently you most likely will live longer than if you don't, plus your life insurance monthly premium could be significantly lower. Good luck for continued breathing here on earth.
7 :
Anyone that has ever smoked even one time could get lung cancer.
8 :
We can choose not to smoke but we can't choose not to breath the air which is full of industrial chemicals. Congrats on quitting. About 50% of those who get lung cancer never smoked, as is true of many other types of cancers. They know that a virus causes cervical cancer and it wouldn't be surprising if virus' are found to cause many (or most?) other cancers. Stress induces hormones by which some cancer cells travel, so reducing stress is a biggie.
9 :
You dont have to smoke to get lung cancer. You could be secluded from the world all your life and still get any type of cancer.
10 :
when iwas young iwas told you did not have to smoke to get cancer for cancer was already in our bodies infacted we were born with it and any thing could bring it on such as a sudden shock and istill beleive in it

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