Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm a doign a lung cancer report for school. Does any know any websites that can answer these questions

I'm a doign a lung cancer report for school. Does any know any websites that can answer these questions?
What does cancer cause cells to do? What is a tumor? What are the fiverisk factors for lung cancer? When was the first case of lung cancer recorded?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Here's a couple of good websites:
2 :
Hi, I've looked at one site, that would answer most of your questions. It also has links to other websites that may be able to answer your questions. The site is: Alternatively you could type lung cancer into Google and see what other sites turn up. Good luck with your assignment!
3 :
Try the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, Medline Plus, People Living with Cancer, and Cancerbackup they all have excellent information about cancer: ACS National Cancer Institute Medline Plus: Lung Cancer People Living with Cancer Cancerbackup
4 :
go to google and type in effects of cancer,cancer symtoms and cancer sideeffects its a big help just type in lung before everything in your case

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