Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What are the chances that my Dad will make it through Lung Cancer

What are the chances that my Dad will make it through Lung Cancer?
I found out 3 days ago that my Dad has Lung Cancer. He said he has been feeling this pain for about 3 months and also coughing up blood. He waited to go to the doctors even though we begged him to go sooner. My mom thinks that he has been feeling like this for a while. I am so Devastated and am trying to stay positive for him but its hard. What are the Chances of his Survival with Lung cancer??? and i need the truth...:-(
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Lost my dad 2 weeks after he was diagnosed. He thought he had pneumonia. Death depends on the individual, and the severity of the disease. Dads cancer had already spread to vital organs, before he decided to get checked out.
2 :
I'm soo sorry honey! I;ve just lost my mum to cancer and it's not a pretty thing... no body can be sure of a cure, otherwise it would be similar to the common cold, but keep your head up and stay positive for him. Support him and be with him and keep him laughing :)
3 :
My friends grandma had lung cancer. She was diagnosed about 7 years ago and has had surgery but now she is still living. So i guess it all depends on the person and how far along their cancer is
4 :
Your Dad's prognosis depends upon the stage of his cancer (tumor size and whether it has spread), its rate of growth, how well your Dad responds to treatment, and his overall health. Your Dad may not yet know all of this information. Staging is typically not definitive until after surgery is completed and pathological analysis of lymph nodes and structures near his primary tumor are completed. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and follow-on medications are the tools used to fight cancer. You can learn more about cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis by visiting the American Cancer Society website. Best wishes to your entire family during this difficult time.
5 :
I'm very sorry about your dad. It depends on what stage his lung cancer is, and what type he has. Non small cell is slow growing and slow moving lung cancer. Small cell is faster spreading through the lung and body. If his cancer was caught early. Stage one or two he has a better chance. It really depends on that. I'm a lung cancer survivor. I had non small cell, and was stage 2 when diagnosed. My treatments worked very well. I hope your dad was diagnosed early and that he makes it.

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