Friday, August 28, 2009

For how long have people known about lung cancer

For how long have people known about lung cancer?
If someone came to a doctor in the early nineteenth century with blatant symptoms of lung cancer, would they have recognised it? When did doctors discover lung cancer and how to treat it, if they could treat it at all?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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In nineteenth century the Disease cancer itself was not known much. In the early 20th century only the cancer came to limelight and different cancers were detected during this century. People and doctors were thinking Lung Cancer as T.B. only. When T.B.deaths were more in mid 20th century scientists and doctors doubted about Lung cancer. It was originally suspected a very strong association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer has been consistently observed in studies done since the early 1950s. Elaborate researches and treatment methods were made in the later part of 20th century.-

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Monday, August 24, 2009

How much/long do you have to smoke to get lung cancer

How much/long do you have to smoke to get lung cancer?
Smoking causes lung cancer, that i know.. At what point does it kill you, depending on how much your a smoker
Other - Health - 1 Answers
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My grandmother never smoked a day in her life and she died of it. My husbands grandmother still smokes and she's 70 plus years old. I know this doesn't give you a concrete answer but I don't think there is one. I mean you can't smoke "safely" for 2 years and not get it or you can't say I've been smoking for 10 years so why stop I'll get it anyway.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

what is the survival rate for stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the bone

what is the survival rate for stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the bone?
63 yr old male has stage 3 lung cancer after surgery lungs are clear but metastasis noted in bone in pelvic region. now person is noted as stage 4 lung cancer given about 3 months to live, is this true?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
It's accurate my Cousin has stage 4 Lung Cancer and he wasn't given long to live at all. It also has spread to his liver. Of course there is always chance of remission. Or, the process can be slowed down by treatment. But 9 times out of 10 it's around that area.
2 :
Medically speaking this assertion is true. I will tell you what I tell my patients, that have stage 3 and 4 CA. The doctors are not God, and cannot put a time on someone's life. Only God knows the length of time for this man. In the natural medical world though that is a true assertion.
3 : saved me from stage 4 stomach cancer
4 :
There is no cure for a stage IV cancer. There are some variables that contribute to determining life-expectancy, but this information isn't available to us. My guess is that if this gentleman's oncologist said 3 months, that's probably a pretty good estimate. It may be less... it may be a little more.
5 :

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

How does genetics play a role in lung cancer

How does genetics play a role in lung cancer?
I'm wondering how i can explain dna/genetics when talking about lung cancer. thanks!
Cancer - 9 Answers
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1 :
I hope not! I don't think so, because lung cancer is predominantly caused by smoking (or second hand smoke)
2 :
its more likely caused by smoking and second hand smoke but its possibly genetic
3 :
I search people of other country and like you languages I pekin talk in spanish , but I don’t know more you languages , SEE YOU LATER MY MSN I LIVE IN COLOMBIA
4 :
yes!!! family history/genetics/heredity plays a MAJOR role in ANY cancer disease.
5 :
If your mother had lung cancer, but your best friends mom didn't, then you would be more ceceptable to the disease beacause you mother had it, your friend would be less ceceptable than you because her mother didn't have it!!!
6 :
well like the other answer said it does have to do with smoking but it does have to do do with genetics. If A LOT of people in ur family have lung cancer there is a good chance you might get it or be a carrier for the disease! I hope this helped!
7 :
The parents had crappy lungs and when they were reproducing, the DNA from the ungs could be sh!tty DNA and it gets passed down.
8 :
First, fewer than 10% of all cancer cases, in all types of cancer, are due to hereditary factors. As far as lung cancer is concerned, most cases are linked to smoking; people who have never smoked do get lung cancer, but in around 90% of cases smoking is implicated. There is research into the impact of family history on lung cancer, and it is likely that there is at least one faulty lung cancer gene that can be passed down in families. If you have a first degree relative (parent, sibling, child) with lung cancer, your risk of lung cancer is doubled. It is very hard to sort out the facts though, because of the major role smoking plays in lung cancer. Families of smokers will all be exposed to cigarette smoke and so have an increased risk of lung cancer whether they have inherited a faulty gene or not.
9 :
my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer in Nov of 2007. She never smoked. Now, my great aunt has stage 4 lung cancer - never smoked either. since they're both my mom's side of the family, i'm going to check into a blood test that can determine markers for this lung cancer being genetic.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How long does it take to get lung cancer when smoking 1-2 cigarettes a day

How long does it take to get lung cancer when smoking 1-2 cigarettes a day?
Im 13 and can i get lung cancer if i smoke 1-2 cigarettes per day? if so how long does it take to smoke to get lung cancer? and is there any way i can prevent myself from lung cancer and/or lip cancer??
Cancer - 6 Answers
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No one knows the answer to this. The majority of lung cancer cases are lifelong heavy smokers. But that being said, there are cases of people getting from second hand smoke, and from light smoking also. 1-2 cigs a day is not much at all, however the problem is that it always leads to more. Even if you dont get sick from smoking, you will look like crap by the time you are 35. Take a look at women in their 40-50s who have smoked their whole lives, most of them look like garbage.
2 :
Number one thing you could do : don't smoke/ stay away from second hand smoking.
3 :
You can get lung cancer from smoking just one. Every cigarette you smoke raises your risk. The only way to be sure that you don't get lung cancer is to stop smoking. You won't always stay at 1-2 per day. It'll slowly increase until before you know it, you're in the 1-2 PACKS per day. It's not worth it. Don't smoke. Be tobacco (and other drugs) free.
4 :
The issue is, if you continue to smoke it's VERY unlikely you'll remain at only 1 -2 cigs per day. However, some people smoke moderately to heavily all their lives and never develop lung cancer. Some people never smoke a single drag and do develop lung cancer. No one can tell you if you will develop it or not...but smoking does increase the risks, as well as risks of heart disease and other illnesses because of the effects it has on the body. For example, smoking causes your blood to thicken, thus blood pressure issues could arise. That can be potentially serious. The best way to prevent cancer, is to not participate in the behaviors that raise your risk of getting it. ☺
5 :
this is not like mathematics, there are some people that have lung cancer after smoking many years and others which didn't smoke at all suffer from lung cancer. U should consider passive smoking to this equation too, if people around u smoke a lot it is as if u r smoking too and also your genetic tendencies, if a close family member like father/mother/brother has lung cancer add it too. but in the bottom line, please don't smoke! Sharona
6 :
You don't have to smoke to get lung cancer. Smoking just greatly increases your risk for it. I actually had a patient dead eye me one evening and ask "Why me? I eat right, don't drink, don't smoke, run 2 miles a day. Why me?" The man was a college professor. He died from lung cancer.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Can you get lung cancer by breathing in cancerous cells from a cell line

Can you get lung cancer by breathing in cancerous cells from a cell line?
Can you get lung cancer by breathing in cancerous cells from a cell line?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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Hahahaahahha! I just asked my boyfriend this and he thought i was a dumbass! I think he contemplated leaving me for a moment! your hilarious!
2 :
No, cancer is not a contagious disease.
3 :
How do you breathe in cancer cells? And what do you mean by a “cell line”?

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

If you have lung cancer from asbestos exposure, it is mesothelioma or can you have other types of lung cancer

If you have lung cancer from asbestos exposure, it is mesothelioma or can you have other types of lung cancer?
If your lung cancer is from asbestos, is it diagnosed mesothelioma or can you have other types?
Other - Health - 1 Answers
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There are actually several types of cancers for which asbestos is implicated. There is even a gall bladder cancer. Asbestos caused lung cancer does not have to be mesothelioma.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where can someon go to get tested for lung cancer in los angeles or california

Where can someon go to get tested for lung cancer in los angeles or california ?
I have been a hard core smoker for 23 years and am trying to stop smokeing cigerettes . Cancer and diabetes run in my family and I am concerned for my health because for a while I have been having signs of lung cancer , I looked up the symptoms and alot of them fit me . I am beginning to get really scared about this and need to find out what is wrong with me and if it is actually what I suspect and am afraid of I am only 33 years old and shouldn't be feeling so fatigued and sick like I am . Can someone tell me where I can go to get tested for cancer /lung cancer here in Los Angeles or california Thanks Robin Gist in Los Angeles.
Cancer - 8 Answers
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1 :
Go to a DOCTOR
2 :
I do not know about California, but in any state you should be able to contact the American lung association either by the yellow pages or Internet search to help direct you. If you have a physician I suggest making an appointment or call the local community heath care clinic for resources to assist you. I hope you find what your looking for. Anytime you can stop smoking is great.Good luck and I hope you find what you need. I wish the best for you and your health.
3 :
Go to your Dr. if you have one explain to him. he will send you RI the hospital for x-rays of your chest. If there is a problem good to get it checked out asp. You can also go to the hospital they tell them you are having problems in your chest etc. They will take care of you. Your to young but better to be safe. The sooner the better chances . Good Luck Pem
4 :
you have been smoking ever since you were 10?!? wow....................... do to a doctor
5 :
My mother-in-law had lung cancer and it was through a blood test during a regular physical where it was first noticed that something was wrong. It took several month and many other tests before it was confirmed. You own Dr. is your first step.
6 :
Hi Robin, I totally understand your concerns. I recently experienced a situation similar to yours. If you have a primary care doctor, go to them and express your concerns. Do you have insurance? If so, go for a complete checkup and let them know that you want a chest xray. I know there are some blood tests that detect certain cancers, but I do not think that lung is one of them. To reassure you, you are young and although you may have some of the symptoms, they could be symptoms of something else too. In any case, go to a doctor and insist on a complete physical. You are in control of your own medical care! Good luck! PS The American Lung Cancer Association/Society is a good source for info. Take Care!
7 :
Please go to your local Doctor, and he can have you sheduled to have the new CT scan with dye that will show everything about your heart and your lungs. Then the data can be sent to your Cardiologists and your Lung Doctor.
8 :
If you have no insurance and are low-income, LA Harbor, LA County+USC Medical Center, and Oliveview Medical Center (in Sylmar, and far less crowded than the others mentioned) are the best places to get treatment. Go as early in the day as you can, and it's best if you get there by 7AM; lines are long. You don't need an appointment for an initial visit.

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