Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How long does it take for lung cancer to develop

How long does it take for lung cancer to develop?
By smoking cigarettes? I'm very concerned for my mom and dad, as they've been smoking for thirty years now...I know something is probably seriously wrong with their lungs, but I'm just wondering how long it takes lung cancer to develop. Thanks...
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
It depends. Some people can smoke their whole lives and never get cancer, some can smoke for 5 years and get cancer. Smoking itself does not cause cancer, it raises your risk of getting cancer. My grandfather smokes 4 packs a day, and has problems from smoking but no lung cancer, my aunt smoked 1 year and her lung collapsed. So again it all just depends on genetics, and other factors

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

What are the chances of actually getting lung cancer from smoking

What are the chances of actually getting lung cancer from smoking?
I'm 19, and have only smoked for maybe a year, but my parents always smoked so I got second hand smoke form that mostly all my life. But I'm just wondering what are the chances of actually getting lung cancer from smoking?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
Pretty High, I guess. Im 18 and i have been smoking since 8th grade. I am currentyl a senior so thats about 4 years. I have had bronchitis 2 times and my doctor told me its from smoking too much. And that getting too many sicknesses from smoking can definitely lead to lung, throat, and mouth cancer. But i dont care. I still smoke but i think it would be a smart choice to quit but id rather not
2 :
Its pretty high, but lung cancer isnt the only cancer to worry about. Throat, tounge, mouth, stomache, ect ect.. Smoking can be linked to all cancers in that cancer emerges when the immune system is down and smoking lowers the immune system. The benzene in commercial cigs is more than likely what caused my leukemia. Family smoked indoors for as long as I can remember, I started at 13, diagnosed at 21, relapsed at 23 and am 24 in remission and smoke free for one year.
3 :
According to the anti-smoker numbers, (not at all the best source, - they'll 'lie like a rug` to advance their case), smoking increases the risk of cancer by 30%. Sounds serious! The over-all population risk is 5% so .3 x .05 = 1.5% increase in risk. As to the "second hand smoke" risk, considering the concentrations involved and to quote Johnny Cochran, "It just doesn't make sense." That said, if you're 19, give up the habit. It is: not healthy, expensive, a social liability, and does adversely effect your stamina and general well being.
4 :
about 1 in 4 as an active smoker. yup-scary,huh? passive will be lower than than, but I can't remember the exact amount.
5 :
Pretty damn good. My mom died of lung cancer, and let me tell you, you do NOT want to die like this. Lung cancer is called a "small cell cancer" What that means is, the cancer cells are teeny tiny, and this enables them to spread all over in your bloodstream, and they basically end up all over your body, in other organs. My moms started in her lungs, then spread to her liver, brain, stomach, and lymph system. Very nasty stuff. Also, they say that smoking is SO BAD for your heart, that it actually causes much more heart disease, than it does lung cancer. Also, it affects circulation, so your skin gets less blow flow, causing wrinkles, so you will age quicker and look like a biker slut by the time you're in your 30's. You need to stop NOW. I'm serious. Go hang out at the Oncology department at your local hospital for a while. That's your future if you don't stop smoking. P.S. Second hand smoke is nowhere near as bad as smoking.
6 :
Very high. The other cancers to worry about are bad too! Mouth, esophageal, throat, etc.
7 :
If you keep on smoking your chances of developing lung cancer are about 20%. However, you must also add additional percentages because of your high risk of developing tongue, tonsil, throat, bladder and stomach cancer plus a few others. Throat cancer is a much tougher way to die than lung cancer and a smoker's risk of developing throat cancer is almost as high as their risk of lung cancer. Besides this a smoker also needs to consider the very high risk of developing emphesyma and COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Risk for either or both is much higher than your risk of developing cancer. Imagine spending the last 25 years of your life being unable to take a deep breath and being teathered to an oxygen tank. It would suck. Last but not least, smoking narrows your blood vessels and if you are a man this especially includes the blood vessels that fill your genitals. Being relatively young and impotent is not fun for either you or your partner. That's about it except for you wasting enough money to buy a new BMW and you smelling like an ash tray to anyone who does not smoke and still has their sense of smell. Quit now if you want to live a vital life.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is it rare to get lung cancer at an early age

Is it rare to get lung cancer at an early age?
Is it rare to get lung cancer at an early age? How long does it take before you die? Also can it be stopped via lung transplants?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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My stepson Terry developed lung cancer at age 7. He recovered but died last near due to complications from an infected reptile bite.
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Lung cancer is more common in older adults. It is rare in people under age 45. Despite advances in treatment, the prognosis remains poor, with only 15% of patients surviving > 5 yr from time of diagnosis.
3 :
Yes, it would be extremely rare to have lung cancer at an early age . . there are biological reasons . . the biology of a child is different than that of an older adult . . thus age groups have different types of cancers . . there are specific cancers for four identified age groups. What this means is that cancer is often age specific .. there are cancers of childhood, cancers of adolescents, cancers of young adults, and cancers of older adults (over 50). Lung cancer is almost predominately a disease of older adults and sometimes adults younger than 50 will get it also. It is very rare to occur in children, adolescents, or young adults under 30. However, cancer is deceptive and for every rule there is an exception . . so, while rare . . yes, children and the young can develop a subtype of lung cancer. Even with advanced stages, no one knows how long an individual will survive. Treatment for lung cancer would generally not involve a lung transplant. You can locate young lung cancer survivors online at groups such as Planet Cancer and I'm too young for this

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Friday, May 16, 2008

How do I cope with my dad being diagnosed with lung cancer

How do I cope with my dad being diagnosed with lung cancer?
The biopsy has just come back and he has small cell lung cancer. I am 14 and my brother is only 10. He is getting a pet scan tomorrow. I and especially my brother are terribly distraught, and we really don't know how to deal with this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
I was 7 when my mom died from lung cancer. I was 4 when she was diagnosed with it. Just remember (i wish i knew this when i was first coping with it) tell him everything you want to tell him and live life to the fullest i really regret not doing that with my mom. I am now 12 and its been really hard but you have to keep moving on i know thats what everybody's going to tell you but its very true!
2 :
Well lets not have him dead and buried already, there are all kinds of treatments now. There is nothing a person resents more than after hearing a person has cancer they think of how long that person has to live. More people die in road accidents
3 :
Lung cancer is bad but it does not mean death. I know it's scary but wait for the test results before you freak out. You obviously know that any type of lung cancer has the potential to be very dangerous BUT we have made amazing progress in the treatment and detection of the cancer and the survival rates for cancer, most especially when it's detected early, are much better than you probably think. Lung cancer is not a death sentence, thousands of people successfully recieve treatment and go into remission every year. when the doctor reads the PET scan, they will be able to assign your dad a "stage" which will tell you if the cancer is big or has spread anywhere else. The "stage" he gets is very important, it is usually a good predictor of how hard it will be to treat him. stages are a number 1-4 and a letter, stage 1A is good, stage 4 is not so good. that said, there are people who survive stage 4 cancers, they just have to fight much harder to do it. The outcome of lung cancer is very hard to predict but until the doctor can take a look at him and give you a better idea of how bad the situation is, just make sure to spend time with him and let him know you love him and you're there for him.
4 :
I'm not exactly sure but just tell him everything you always wanted to tell him. Spend time with him. I'm very sorry about your father. Remember be happy he's here now.
5 :
here are they
6 :
My dad too was just diagnosed with lung cancer. I don't know if there is a way to deal with it except one day at a time. Just be strong for him and your brother, and tell him you love him every chance you get. Good Luck.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

How much would a chest x-ray cost to diagnose lung cancer

How much would a chest x-ray cost to diagnose lung cancer?
My very close friend is having problems with breathing, and he's feeling some back and chest pain. He's lived in a house with a smoker for a long time, and he believes that it could be lung cancer. He's nearly broke, his family won't do anything to help him, and he has no insurance. Now we're wondering how much a chest x-ray would cost to check out if he has any sort of lung cancer. He lives in Wisconsin if that helps in anyway.
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
How old is your friend? If he is young, it probably isn't a primary lung carcinoma. Only about 3% of primary lung carcinomas occur in people under 45 years of age. A simple PA and lateral chest x-ray should be less than $200, but it varies all over the country. Wisconsin - I do not know. Expense could vary from city to rural areas. Of course no x-ray ever diagnoses a malignant disease. Only a biopsy can make a diagnosis of a cancer type.
2 :
At first,you may collect as much information as you can by inputing the relevant keywords in search engine,if you get good luck there ,then your problem is solved.nevertheless,if you could not find the ideal answer for your question by doing that,here is the resource i suggest.
3 :
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
4 :
He can't have an x-ray without an order from a doctor, so he needs to see one first.
5 :
6 :
I wanna share about this for u. I have some problem with u 3 months ago. i found one site can give u more information about this one. if u faced with cancer problem and how to prevent it,..i suggest u to visit : htttp:// i have check this site n have some good info in there. good luck bro!
7 :
A chest x-ray cannot tell you if you have lung cancer, it can only tell you if there is a shadow on the lung which could mean several things, an MRI scan is needed. If the breathing and back and chest pain are because lung cancer is present it would be in its final stage and nothing could be done. If his family wont do anything to help him they must think he is either exaggerating the symptoms or they have heard it all before?? My dad had lung cancer and only symptom was a slight cough - he had a lung removed and survived but died 3 years later of stomach cancer - I live in the UK and it doesn't cost us anything for medical treatment or xrays etc but is there not some kind of free clinic in your area your friend could go to?

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

What are the sines of lung cancer I think I might have it

What are the sines of lung cancer I think I might have it?
I am a 42 year old female. I don't smoke but have been exposed to second hand smoke all my life. Sometimes especially a lot lately I wheeze when I breath and have shallow breathing. There is no lung cancer in the family but there are other types of cancer in my family.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
If you think you have cancer why would you post on here? Go see a doctor!
2 :
www.nhs choices a-z of health
3 :
You can go to and type in lung cancer and read up on this disease. You could just have a case of bronchitis - you can type that term in also and read up on how to care for this. You could just have a cold. You have low risk factors for cancer. This is probably a temporary illness.
4 :
Wheezing is not a symptom of cancer but it is a symptom of asthma. If you do have asthma, its important to get medications to stop it in the event that you have a severe bout that interferes with breathing. It would be a good idea to see a doc to talk about your breathing problems and lung cancer concerns. The doc could order a chest x-ray or other type of image to look for signs of lung cancer.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

What are the chances of me getting lung cancer

What are the chances of me getting lung cancer?
My dad has lung cancer he just got it like a year ago (non smoker)? so does this make me have a bigger chance of getting it?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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yeah. do you live in a polluted area?
2 :
I would recommend you talk to your family doctor for an opinion. If a doctor is not available then try searching the internet for information regarding your concerns. Just have a peace of mind and be optimistic. Sorry to hear about your father.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

What is the survival rate of lung cancer

What is the survival rate of lung cancer?
I know that it is based mostly on the 5-year survival rate of 14 percent, but I believe that must mostly be because most people don't find out until it's in its later stages. My friend is 18 and just found out he has lung cancer. He's going in for more tests to confirm what stage it is in but it can't be that far along I'm guessing with how young he is. Do you have any information as to the survival rate of those in the preliminary stages of lung cancer? What are the chances of eradicating it?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
The best thing is to go to the source ... the type of "lung cancer" as well as when it was diagnosed are major factors, and then one has to consider life style, nutrition, etc. There are two general types of lung cancer, "small cell" and "non-small cell". "... In general, the lung cancer survival rate will depend on: •The stage of lung cancer (see Lung Cancer Stages) •The lung cancer type (see Types of Lung Cancer) •Whether there are symptoms (such as coughing or trouble breathing) •The patient's general health •Whether the cancer has just been diagnosed or has recurred (come back)..." In simple words ... there is no one statistic for the "survival rate of lung cancer" that explains everything. Check with your oncologist and if need be get a second opinion (always a good idea under any circumstances) and read the literature on your particular form of cancer and what stage it is in ... then a probable "survival rate" can be determined, as close as is possible given our current level of medical understanding. Sorry it is impossible to be more specific given the information provided ... Good Luck and I sincerely hope everything turns out well ...
2 :
49 % of people diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer live for at least five years after diagnosis. It's difficult to determine the chances of eradicating it because overall survival rates don't specify whether cancer survivors are still undergoing treatment at five years or if they've become cancer-free (achieved remission). Other types of survival rates that give more specific information include: 1) Disease-free survival rate. 2) Progression-free survival rate. I wasn't able to find much information with these two survival rates, but hopefully someone else can add to this answer. You might be able to find this data by searching for specific treatment regimens and their effectiveness. At the National Cancer Institute (NIH), they calculate these values for clinical trials.
3 :
18 and lung cancer? Wow, thats about as young as I have ever heard. Are you sure its not lymphoma of the lungs, which is very different in its pronosis Check this out.. Seer cancer statistics doesnt even have records of people that age getting lung cancer.

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