Monday, March 28, 2011

Is it lung cancer or overactive imagination

Is it lung cancer or overactive imagination?
I've had this cold for about three weeks now. First it was a slight fever, runny nose, etc. and then it just settled to the cough. I have classes with a lot of kids that smoke, and so I'm constantly heading past them to get into the theater. Anyway, what I was wondering, was is it possible to get lung cancer at 19 from breathing in secondhand smoke as you pass by friends during class?
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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I think it's very unlikely that your level of exposure could lead to lung cancer. Since you had a cold, it's normal for a cough to stick around for a week or two past the rest of the cold symptoms. If it gets worse or doesn't go away in another week, you should see your doctor (but not because it sounds like lung cancer). You might have viral bronchitis. Again, I highly doubt it's lung cancer at your age!
3 :
No I don't think so asthma maybe. Though I would go to the doctor and see about the fever. Try an antibiotic

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is it likely for my pug to get lung or nasal cancer if my brother and his girlfriend smoke outside with her

Is it likely for my pug to get lung or nasal cancer if my brother and his girlfriend smoke outside with her?
we have a a patio were my brother and his girlfriend smoke and my pug bella always sits on there lap when they are out there smoking and i wanted to know if it could harm my dog in the ways i have researched about secondhand smoke for dogs like nasal and lung cancer or respitory infections. I love my pug very mch and i want her to live a long and happy cancer free life!
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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Pets can develop respiratory problems but to get cancer they would need a long exposure to cigarette smoke over years. It usually takes about 10 years to develop cancer in a highly addicted smoker who is exposed to a lot more smoke. Animals usually dont live long enough to be effected directly by lung cancer. Also smoke rises so its hard to say how much they really inhale.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

My grandma has lung cancer, what can i do to help

My grandma has lung cancer, what can i do to help?
I'm 15 years old and my grandma has the type of lung cancer that can't be healed. I want to help volunteer for cancer societies and stuff. I want to help raise the awareness of cancer. What can i do, please, anyone?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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sir i have theory if you look inside the stem cells you may find a brain cell and you know how a brain thinks,i think if you put that cell in there with a new lung it may be able to build a new one and she will be saved. and really please dont call the cops
2 :
What a great granddaughter you are! Here are some resources for you: All the best to you and your grandmother.
3 :
That's very noble and loving of you. You sound like the kind of person who would be great in a medical field. Why don't you consider going into a medical field after highschool? You'll be part of the solution! I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. Some of my very close relatives have dealt with cancer and it's so hard to come to terms with. Remember that it's not a death sentence, you never know what will happen, you have to stay positive. Be there for your grandma, talk to her, joke with her, show her how much you love her. Make her laugh! Love is the Greatest Healer Keep doing what you're doing, I wish the best for you both.
4 :
November is Lung Cancer Awareness month. Check the first link for ways to raise awareness. The second link is a Yahoo Group that you may be interested in joining.
5 :
Check out this site for information on cancer: I think it'll be helpful for anyone who needs to understand cancer.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Does it madder how much ciggerets you smake to get lung cancer

Does it madder how much ciggerets you smake to get lung cancer?
i smoked 3 siggerets in my life and i plan on no more so you think i may have lung cancer?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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the risk from smoking 3, would virtually be the same as a non-smoker, you have probably smoked a lot more than that just being around smokers, (pas sive smoking) , theres no piont asking if you will get cancer because its more down to genes, enviorment, radon on your house, and munching down trans fats that should have you worried.
2 :
3 in your entire life is pretty much nothing, you probably inhaled more carcinogens sitting in traffic than from those 3 cigs. Its a good thing you quit, because lung cancer is incredibly aggressive and leaves people with a very poor prognosis.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

if i smoke a pack of cigarettes a day when will i get lung cancer

if i smoke a pack of cigarettes a day when will i get lung cancer?
If i am 20 years old and i smoke a pack of cigarettes a day then by what age will the chance of me getting lung cancer be over 75%?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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It depends maybe 20 years or so.....I mean it all depends your bodies health and your genetics.
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this must me a rhetorical question....
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Lung cancer is only one possibility. Heart attacks, strokes, emphysema, liver damage and other forms of cancer are real possibilities as well. True story, my father who never smoked a day in his life developed emphysema in old age strictly through second-hand exposure working in the bar business. Please note another serious disease you might develop: poverty. Smokes can cost you enough to pay for a vacation every year. Not to mention replacing clothing and bedding you might burn and paying for additional trips to the doctor. You might also burn down your home. In my neighborhood, several homes have burned within blocks of where I live because someone fell asleep with a lit cigarette. One forgetful young woman was cremated. Her father found her ashes after not hearing from her for a few days. It can cost you a job. Do you think the boss wants you dropping outside to smoke in this day of "right-sizing?" How about the girlfriend who thinks you stink, or the bar or restaurant that orders you outside. If you aren't already smoking, don't start.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Can teenager get lung cancer from smoking

Can teenager get lung cancer from smoking?
I know that everybody get get lung cancer from smoking but from what I heard people mostly get it at the age of 40+. My question is can a 16-21 year old person get lung cancer(basically what percentage) and how serious it is
Cancer - 8 Answers
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Depends on ones own sensitivity to first hand smoke and second hand smoke.
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i do not think so i think it is only in the long term!!
3 :
Like you said, anybody can get it. It does not matter whether you are 50 or 16, you still have a chance of getting it. It also depends on how much smoke your inhaling.
4 :
Some people smoke most of their lives and never develop lung cancer...some people never smoke a single drag, and do develop lung cancer. Although you don't hear about lung cancer much in minors, since smoking isn't the only thing that can cause it, it is definitely possible a teen could be diagnosed with lung cancer. If the teen smokes, could that cause it? Possibly... Smoking is linked to a multitude of issues other than lung cancer, and has gotten ridiculously expensive also. There are really no pros to the behavior no matter what ones age.
5 :
Yes. It kills you. Percentage doesn't matter if YOU get it - then it's 100%. If you don't get it then the percentage who do doesn't matter to you. But it's best to go on the assumption that you CAN get cancer from smoking while still a teenager and that you have a better than 50% chance of getting it when you are older if you continue smoking. You don't care about what happens when you are older ? Believe me, you will when you are older !
6 :
Yes it is possible my cousin who started smoking at the age of 15 developed lung cancer. She died when she was 25 , when they did a autopsy on her , they looked inside of her lungs. Her lungs looked that of a 65 year old. Yes it is possible . I miss her very much.
7 :
yes, they can if they smoke lots of cigarettes daily (chain smoker) with lots of nicotines with brands like camel or lucky strikes. these cigarettes will ruin or darken your lungs quick
8 :
yes...especially if the teenager has a predisposition to cancer

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Friday, March 4, 2011

can anyone give me info on Smart Chemo, have lung cancer and need info on it. Thank you Linda

can anyone give me info on Smart Chemo, have lung cancer and need info on it. Thank you Linda?
Also info and herbal remedies for lung cancer would be helpful, really don't want to go the traditional route. All info greatly appreciated. Linda
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Sorry, there is no documented evidence in existence that herbal remedies are effective for lung cancer. As long as you are aware of that, than you might consider contacting a Naturopathic or holistic practitioner in your local area. They can advise you about what they think will help you out. However, from my experience of knowing dozens of patients who have 'tried the natural route' . . I've not met one who has had their cancer 'cured'. At best the treatment they offer will make you 'feel' better, but it won't stop the progression of the disease. I had a friend recently who found this out the hard way. He did the research and decided that the natural way was better for him the chemotherapy and radiation. He had stage 1 disease and after surgery was cancer free. He embarked on a naturalistic approach complete with a diet on all the foods, supplements, and herbals that were recommended to stop cancer. It didn't work. Within six months the natural treatment failed and he is now a stage IV. During the time he gave up on chemotherapy and radiation the microscopic cells spread and implanted and grew. It took six months before they all became visible on a Cat Scan. He took the chance, he doesn't regret it, and he thinks that at least the diet made him feel better . . but he no longer believes that natural approach alone can 'cure' or get rid of cancer cells. Personally, I wish the natural approach did work . . but there is no evidence that it does . . so, if you wish to pursue a curative treatment (rather than palliative) than traditional is the only documented and validated way to do so.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What are your chances of surviving Lung Cancer

What are your chances of surviving Lung Cancer?
If someone was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer stage 1, what would be the chance or survival / how many years of life would be expected?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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Your best bet is to look up small cell cancer online. An answer from some random person is not what you need to base ANY decisions or emotions on. Get the facts, get at least two doctors opinions.
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Small cell carcinoma is an aggressive cancer. It grows quickly and it metasticizes quickly but it also responds well to chemo and radiation. Caught this early at stage I and with aggressive treatment, the chances for survival are good.
4 :
These are answers that you can get best from speaking to a pulmonary specialist. If someone was diagnosed as indicated ,then I would hope that a specialist is involved with the case.Please ask questions,don't be afraid of the answers and do all that you or that person has to do to stay as well as possible.
5 :
Each Person is different but your chances are very good my husband has lung cancer and it has spread to his bones he is taking chemo.the lung cancer is responding very well to it more than half gone after 4 chemo he is on his second round now dont give up my husband is stage 4 and so far so good god bless to you and yours...
6 :
Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer researcher came out with a paper saying that the best cancer and infection fighter as yet found was Interferon, but, at the time, it cost $15,000 a gram. The good part was that Interferon was a product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your system. Shortly after that paper came out the FDA tried to make Vit C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA says that the RDA for Vit C is 64 mg a day, just enough to prevent scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vit C and a second Nobel Prize for organic chemistry, said 1000 mg a day as a minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick. On a personal note, I was sick twice a year, for 2 weeks at a time, for 20 years, and was flat on my back for at least a week each time. To this day the doctors have no idea what the problem was. After I gave up on the doctors I tried Vit C. I took enough to keep from being sick and just below too much to get diarrhea. It followed a bell curve over 2 weeks with a peak at 40,000 mg a day – about 300,000 over the 2 weeks. I was not sick for those 2 weeks and after a couple of years of that I have not been sick since. I did not dissolve my kidneys, as some doctors said would happen. I did not get any calcium build up or stones and did not dissolve my cones or solidify my joints. Try it, but drink a lot of water – Vit C is a natural diuretic.
7 :
A good chance at living with stage 1. With treatments, anywhere from 6mos. to 5 years.

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