Monday, May 28, 2012

Can dogs get lung cancer from second hand smoke

Can dogs get lung cancer from second hand smoke?
Or do they not live long enough to develop cancer from second hand smoke? I don't smoke. I was just watching House Md, and got curious.
Dogs - 11 Answers
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1 :
I dunno about lung cancer but it can negatively affect their health(circulation, cronic coughing). It is not good for any living thing to breathe in smoke. It is air pollution but concentrated in a house/car. Do what is best for you and your pets... QUIT!!! Good Luck!
2 :
Im sure they can
3 :
They are more likely to get cancer from vaccines and toxins in their food bowls, chemicals dumped on them month after month their entire lives. No one ever really wants to address that even though the science has been done to prove it.
4 :
Unfortunately (for the rats) one of the ways scientists work out that second hand smoke is dangerous was to constantly fill their cages with 2nd hand rats, humans and dogs have similar respiratory systems they worked out that 2nd hand smoke causes cancer in rats - therefore in dogs and humans.
5 :
6 :
Do dogs suffer from lung cancer at all?
7 :
I'm not so sure about lung cancer, but I know dogs can get nasal/throat cancer from secondhand smoke, especially dogs with longer snouts.
8 :
Yes, second hand smoke affects animals as much as us. They get different kinds of cancers not only lung cancers. Cats, for example, lick themselves to clean themselves, and with all the smoke and tar on their coats they can get mouth cancers. Long nosed breeds of dogs are more prone to getting cancerous nasal tumors. And they are not just affected by the smoke but also pollution and other environmental hazards.
9 :
I completely agree with Freedom. Commercial dog food is perhaps the biggest killer in dogs, why buy it anyway, its more expensive than fresh food from your home!
10 :
dogs age alot faster than humans do, and their lungs are alot smaller than ours in essence, our pets are effected by second hand smoke worse than we are: besides various forms of cancer, pets are at risk of many types of health concerns from second hand smoke my kitten was barely 10 months old when he developed a smokers cough, and I've never smoked! The only person in my building who smokes is my landlord who lives below me, I checked it out with the vet and luckily they said it was asthma. However I've been advised by the vet to find a new place to live as my cat asthma could become worse, he could even get cancer if he continues to be exposed to second hand smoke. I'm looking for a new smoke-free apartment right now but until then I've set up air purifiers around the apartment, I take my cat outside on his leash everyday for some fresh air, and I'm never late to give him his medication. I've also found that grooming him helps because then he doesn't lick up all the smoke residue that's in his fur. hope this answers your question: pets are more at risk from second hand smoke than we are.
11 :
I dont think so.... But I do know that some have smoke allergies. Dogs can actually be allergic to all sorts of things. Certain foods, dust mites etc...

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

How do u know if u have lung cancer

How do u know if u have lung cancer?
My mom smokes and she coughs alot does that mean she has cancer in the lungs and how but we dont have money for a doctor to get it checked out so help please?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Coughing is a nature reflex to project mucus from the airways. Coughing alone doesn't tell you anything. If you're worried, convince her your are, and to see the doc.
2 :
Not all smokers necessarily get cancer. There are many symptoms of lung cancer yet sometimes they don't show until the late stages. Symptoms of lung cancer do however include a persistent cough. Hoarseness and wheezing may be present, shortness of breath, shoulder and chest pain, coughing up blood, loss of appetite and fatigue. Why not try to encourage your mum to quit? If you would like to know more, this link may be useful
3 :
Signs and symptoms sometimes seen in lung cancer: A cough that doesn't go away and gets worse over time Chest pain that doesn't go away Coughing up blood Feeling short of breath Wheezing Losing your voice (hoarseness) Getting sick with pneumonia and bronchitis a lot Swollen neck and face Not hungry, losing weight without trying Feeling tired People with these symptoms could have lung cancer, or it could be something else. If you have these symptoms, your best bet is to see your family physician. The doctor can say for sure what's causing the symptoms and how to treat them. More about lung cancer: Diagnosing lung cancer Treatment for lung cancer

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Can people get lung cancer from smoking pot

Can people get lung cancer from smoking pot?
My friend has been smoking for 40 years and has a smokers cough in the morning. He says it is not possible to get cancer from pot because cigarettes have all those unnatural additives that cause cancer.Is this correct?
Cancer - 8 Answers
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yes in fact its worse than cigarettes heres a link
2 :
You can get lung cancer and have never smoked anything at all, but pot is not a risk factor for lung cancer.
3 :
YES. It's very harmful. People often say that cigarettes are worse than marijuana, but that is not true. If Smoked as much as cigarettes, it's way more harmful. One joint is as bad, if not worse, than four cigarettes. Think about all the negative risk factors of cigarettes and multiply that by four... Doesn't sound so nice, does it.
4 :
Why doesn't he just take the pot of the stove. He must be very forgetful to burn something on the stove every single day for 40 years. I think most likely he will die from his house burning down one day because of this, not so much from cancer.
5 :
sad to see how many uneducated and indoctrinated people there are out there. cannabis does not cause cancer. infact it has been shown that regular cannabis smoker have less instances of both head and neck cancers. cannabis has anti tumor properites. do your reasearch don't rely on idiots for info. here's a good place to start. also here is a list of website with endless info on how cannabis fights all kinds of cancers.
6 :
NO YOU CAN NOT! Do not listen to anyone who says you can, yes there are 50-70% more different cancer causing chemicals or substances but they are such insanely low ammounts that in 10,000 years there is not 1 documented cancer growth in marijuana only smokers (that the smoke could possibly relate too) There are also many cancer fighting things in it, and actually it can reduce your chances of getting many cancers by 68%
7 :
How does marijuana affect the lungs? Scientists believe that marijuana can be especially harmful to the lungs because users often inhale the unfiltered smoke deeply and hold it in their lungs as long as possible. Therefore, the smoke is in contact with lung tissues for long periods of time, which irritates the lungs and damages the way they work. Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer. In addition, many marijuana users also smoke cigarettes; the combined effects of smoking these two substances creates an increased health risk. Can marijuana cause cancer? Marijuana smoke has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents than is found in tobacco smoke. Examination of human lung tissue that had been exposed to marijuana smoke over a long period of time in a laboratory showed cellular changes called metaplasia that are considered precancerous. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin. These studies suggest that it is likely that marijuana may cause cancer if used for a number of years.
8 :
I really don't think pot has any serious effects on health. I know tons of people who have smoking it their entire life and they can run and bike longer than us youngsters without breathing rapidly or stressing at all. They smoke about four or five joints per day and they look and feel incredible. They have no signs of increased aging. In fact, hemp oil, the sister of marijuana is used in curing cancer, as it increases oxygen to cells. On the other hand, if you smoke cigarrettes for just a few to ten years, lung cancer is found much more commonly. If you are eating healthy, keeping your body pH balanced and oxygenated, smoking pot will have next to no negative effect on lungs in my opinion.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How often would one have to smoke in order to get lung cancer

How often would one have to smoke in order to get lung cancer?
And also, after how many years would one eventually get a type of cancer from smoking Swisher Sweets?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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It hasn't even been proven that smoking definitively causes cancer, never mind the exact number of cigarettes or the brand. The smartest decision though, in any case, is not to smoke.
2 :
I came across a couple of great cancer websites that might be able to answer your question:

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Anyone know anything about lung cancer or emphyzema

Anyone know anything about lung cancer or emphyzema?
My grandmother has emphyzema, yet she still smokes. As bad as her lungs are how is it that she doesn't have lung cancer?
Respiratory Diseases - 8 Answers
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1 :
not to scare you but that could be next my grandma had emphysema and a few years later was dx w/ lung cancer she died two years after that... but it is horrible she suffered so much .. and your grandma having emphysema should not be smoking try to help her stop my grandma was ridiculous about it she smoked while her oxygen was on and she caught her face on fire once... good luck talk to her and let her know how much you care
2 :
American cancer society has website with info section; just search ;ACS
3 :
Emphysema falls under the category of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This type is a permanent damage to the alveolus primarily because of smoking. The damage causes an abnormal oxygen - carbon dioxide exchange that results to air hunger and difficulty of breathing. Furthermore, air is entrapped in the alveolus adding up to the problem. She has to stop smoking for it is of great help to patients with such problems. Lung cancer may also develop in years which has been attributed also to chronic cigarette smoking but not all emphysematous patients develop lung cancer.
4 :
While smoking and lung cancer seem to always be linked in the media they don't necessarly go hand and hand. Not all patients that have emphyzema ( this disease falls into a class of diseases labelled Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD) will develop cancer. Also not all patients that smoke will develop COPD. It's generally assumed by the medical community that if you smoke and having breathing problems that you have COPD. If your grandmother has not been to a pulmonary specialist you should have her make an appointment in order to receive the proper testing (Pulmonary Function Test and x-rays) to determine that ishe truely has COPD and if she does what stage it is in. Knowing the stage (1-5) greatly determines the appropriate treatment and can greatly effect her quality of life. The disease is not reversable but not smoking will decrease further damage to the lung tissue. Try and get her into a pulmonary rehab program. They're great for teaching proper breathing techniques and developing an exercise program to help maintain her quality of life.
5 :
Well most people that acquire either one of them is usually a smoker. My father had both. First he had emphyzema, and had a hard time breathing with a cough. It developed into cancer. He had a cough with blood. Not everyone developes lung cancer, though. You have to have a recessive gene to develope cancer.
6 :
She just doesn't. You don't always get lung cancer from smoking. But, u will always end up with some sort of lung disease (emphysema) from smoking.
7 :
my grandma has emphyzema and never smoked a day in her life.she got it from second hand smoke.Yes this is bad,see if maybe she can get the patch.I work in a nursing home where one lady was on 10 liters of oxygen and still wanted to smoke.she's dead now!sad
8 :
Not every smoker will get lung cancer, and those who never smoked a day in their life will get lung cancer just as easy. In many cases, a person is born with the capacity for cancer, so they either will or will not develop it no matter what the circumstances surrounding it, like smoking leading to lung cancer. I treat people everyday who have emphysema and continue to smoke, and it's just sad. Please, encourage her to quit, you and your entire family, because it could save her life.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

If you use the hair straightener, and you accidently smell the smoke coming, could it cause lung cancer

If you use the hair straightener, and you accidently smell the smoke coming, could it cause lung cancer?
I use a hair straightener and sometimes I accidently smell the smoke, could it cause lung cancer.If, About how many times until you get lung cancer 10pts!!
Hair - 6 Answers
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1 :
No. It doesn't count because it's your hair that's smoking. No real chemicals in there (ignoring hair products). Besides, when the straightener smokes on its's mostly just steam. No harm.
2 :
wtf no
3 :
It's just steam, it happens to me all the time. You will be fine. :]
4 :
You don't get lung cancer from hair straightening smoke, but it causes your hair from not growing fast, hair fall, split ends, hair too dry or even hair loss. If you don't believe me, keep reading YA HAIR for about 30 mins. so you can read what other symptoms girls have.
5 :
You will not get a lung cancer from it. I believe that you can only have lung cancer through airborne or direct contact to a person who has lung cancer. My advice is that you wear a mask while using your hair straightener.
6 :
maybe if you did it ten times a day for a thousand years. The amount of smoke you inhale in this instance is so miniscule that you don't have to worry about it causing lung cancer...although if your hair is smoking maybe you should worry about it

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Friday, May 4, 2012

If you use the hair straightener, and you accidently smell the smoke coming, could it cause lung cancer

If you use the hair straightener, and you accidently smell the smoke coming, could it cause lung cancer?
I use a hair straightener and sometimes I accidently smell the smoke, could it cause lung cancer.If, About how many times until you get lung cancer 10pts!!
Hair - 4 Answers
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2 :
as a general rule; everything gives you cancer.
3 :
omg are you serious? well, to be honest EVERYTHING can cause cancer from drinking water to smoking 6 packs of cigartettes a day. now the question really is, would you rather die looking like ish, or looking fabulous?
4 :
Hon, just about everything causes cancer these days. but I`d be more worried about my burnt hair than cancer at this point....its probably just steam, not to worry.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Appetite with final stage of lung cancer

Appetite with final stage of lung cancer?
My mom has stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to almost every part of her body. In November her doctor told me that he expected her to last only 4-6 weeks.It is now January and she is still here, I know the doctor only made an estimated guess. However, she was not eating for the longest time. And now for the last week or so, she is eating a lot and drinking a lot. She is bedridden and very weak and confused. But I want to know why she is eating so much lately, if near the end of life they are suppose to lose their appetites?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Nutrition deprivation is called Cachexia, stage 4 cancer can be painful. Please don't take her increased appetite as a sign of healing, while its possible, the chances are astronomically against spontaneous healing. Let her feel well and get her fill, cancer can be painful to deal with.
2 :
It is strange that your mother has a good appetite, but I'd definitively encourage her to eat/drink if she feels like it. Just make sure she can swallow properly and not chocking on her food if she is confused... she can develop a pneumonia from that.
3 :
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I'm not a doctor, but it's been my experience that people with terminal illness are usually sick and don't eat alot because the medication or treatments their on makes them feel nauseous. So, because of lack of nutrition they become weak and unsure of their surroundings. However, towards the end of a persons life who is terminal, the person tends to "rally" when the end is close. What I mean is, they start to eat and drink, carry on conversations, get up and move about, and actually claim to feel as though they are getting well. This I believe is Gods way of giving family and friend one last time to make fond memories before He calls them home. I wish you all the best and I hope I've helped you
4 :
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Many terminal patients often show signs of recovery just before death. She may regain her strength, and some symptoms such as coughing and confusion may ease up a bit. Take this time to tell and show her your love. Don't smother her though, she may want to spend some time alone to think about her next journey. She must be in hospice, right? Ask the nurse any questions, you may have so they don't tug at you in the years to come. Try to remember that we are all here on a temporary basis.
5 :
I'n a nurse for several hospice patients at a florida nursing home, and i can tell you i've seen either scenario...poor and high intake in the end stage. there are many schools of thought as to why the later occurs. My personal observation leads me to believe it to be a varied combination of these schools of thought, depending on the individual in question. In your mom's case it sounds like a combination of the body's natural process of acquiring the necessary nutrients to maintain proper function, stress (though you've stated that she's confused, I firmly believe that everyone even at a subconscious level carries a degree of the gravity of a life threatening illness), and fight or flight syndrome (fear related to the stress mentioned previously in combination with a sense of helplessness related to inactivity), possibly more than this, but this is my take on it. The best thing you can do at this point is ensure that she's comfortable and that you're emotionally caring for yourself so you can really be there for your mom, be prepared for whatever comes, and be able to stand a little firmer come what may. As far as her nutrition goes, i'm not sure what kind of diet she's on or if she has any chewing or swallowing deficits, but regardless of this it's most important to ensure she's getting adequate nutrients and calories. it's not quantity, it's quality. You want to make sure she's happy and satisfied, yes....but while she's scarfing down all but the kitchen sink at this point, you might want to ask her doc about getting her some "pulma care". it's pretty much like ensure but for people with respiratory diseases and conditions of all kinds. a variety of companies manufacture it, and it's so effective because it provides a good source of calories, vitamins, and minerals without the increased mucous production that ensure causes (which can lead to an increased risk for pneumonia, especially due to the fact she's already bedridden). Also in regards to pneumonia, you might want to also ask her doc about getting an incentive spirometer to help keep her lungs clear. I hope this helps you some. feel free to email me with any further questions you may have. I'll do my best to point you in the right direction if i can. I'll keep you in my prayers for peace, strength, and healing through this painful situation.Keep your head up. I've lost my father in law to ca and a few close friends and family and i can personally vouch for the fact things do get better. don't give up -jess

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