Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where can someon go to get tested for lung cancer in los angeles or california

Where can someon go to get tested for lung cancer in los angeles or california ?
I have been a hard core smoker for 23 years and am trying to stop smokeing cigerettes . Cancer and diabetes run in my family and I am concerned for my health because for a while I have been having signs of lung cancer , I looked up the symptoms and alot of them fit me . I am beginning to get really scared about this and need to find out what is wrong with me and if it is actually what I suspect and am afraid of I am only 33 years old and shouldn't be feeling so fatigued and sick like I am . Can someone tell me where I can go to get tested for cancer /lung cancer here in Los Angeles or california Thanks Robin Gist in Los Angeles.
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to a DOCTOR
2 :
I do not know about California, but in any state you should be able to contact the American lung association either by the yellow pages or Internet search to help direct you. If you have a physician I suggest making an appointment or call the local community heath care clinic for resources to assist you. I hope you find what your looking for. Anytime you can stop smoking is great.Good luck and I hope you find what you need. I wish the best for you and your health.
3 :
Go to your Dr. if you have one explain to him. he will send you RI the hospital for x-rays of your chest. If there is a problem good to get it checked out asp. You can also go to the hospital they tell them you are having problems in your chest etc. They will take care of you. Your to young but better to be safe. The sooner the better chances . Good Luck Pem
4 :
you have been smoking ever since you were 10?!? wow....................... do to a doctor
5 :
My mother-in-law had lung cancer and it was through a blood test during a regular physical where it was first noticed that something was wrong. It took several month and many other tests before it was confirmed. You own Dr. is your first step.
6 :
Hi Robin, I totally understand your concerns. I recently experienced a situation similar to yours. If you have a primary care doctor, go to them and express your concerns. Do you have insurance? If so, go for a complete checkup and let them know that you want a chest xray. I know there are some blood tests that detect certain cancers, but I do not think that lung is one of them. To reassure you, you are young and although you may have some of the symptoms, they could be symptoms of something else too. In any case, go to a doctor and insist on a complete physical. You are in control of your own medical care! Good luck! PS The American Lung Cancer Association/Society is a good source for info. Take Care!
7 :
Please go to your local Doctor, and he can have you sheduled to have the new CT scan with dye that will show everything about your heart and your lungs. Then the data can be sent to your Cardiologists and your Lung Doctor.
8 :
If you have no insurance and are low-income, LA Harbor, LA County+USC Medical Center, and Oliveview Medical Center (in Sylmar, and far less crowded than the others mentioned) are the best places to get treatment. Go as early in the day as you can, and it's best if you get there by 7AM; lines are long. You don't need an appointment for an initial visit.

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