Thursday, June 28, 2012

Are Global Warming deniers also the same people who dont believe cigarettes cause lung cancer

Are Global Warming deniers also the same people who dont believe cigarettes cause lung cancer?
Same type of argument. Overwhelming scientic consensus (on global warming, on cancer/tobacco link) and one side focuses in on the small number of scientists who disagree. Yes, you could find vehement tobacco/cancer link deniers in the 80s. The parallel is almost the same as with Evolution. I wonder how many GW deniers dont believe in Evolution.
Politics - 24 Answers
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G W is a myth
3 :
straw man lose again
4 :
There is indisputable proof that smoking causes ling cancer. Can you say the same about the proof of that global warming is man made? How about the NASA report that the increase in temps lately are caused by... THE SUN... and that all planets in our solar system are being effected. Oh... but let's dismiss NASA.... they don't know what they are talking about and are just a right wing extremist group.
5 :
they also believe that we never went to the moon
6 :
How does sending jobs to countries that don't have environmental regulations we already have help the global environment? We are already getting China's emissions plume. Better for the environment to keep the jobs here. Better for the economy, as well.
7 :
And those who believe leisure suits cause cancer.
8 :
Most folks believe that MGW is real, but an argument exists as to whether it is a crisis. Al Gore and the believers advance the theory that MGW is a crisis. Their theory is based on computer models that predict what the atmosphere will do. Al Gore's PowerPoint has scientifically flawed statements, but Gore refuses to discuss them. All climate scientists agree that they do not understand all of the interactions of the atmosphere, and that the IPCC computer models must have assumptions entered for a number of atmospheric interactions. Many of these assumptions involve “feedback systems”, where a process either intensifies (positive feedback) or reduces (negative feedback) CO2 and temperature. Once all the known inputs and assumed "feedbacks" are entered, the model provides a computed CO2 level and temperature. The sensitivity of the 21 IPCC model results disagree by a factor of 10 among the group. Recent peer-reviewed published data shows that some of these assumptions are incorrect, making the models too sensitive to CO2 levels, and if the computer models were reprogrammed with the data from these observations, MGW would lie within normal temperature variations. As this evidence mounts, believing the MGW crisis argument becomes more difficult.
9 :
G W is the new religion. The fact that climate change exists is moot. The weather does what the weather does. The fact that humans can affect the weather is the part where people are told to "believe". This is the same crowd that said the said the world was going to end in Y2K.
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Grasping for straws I see. I'm pretty sure 100% of Smokers (me included0 are well aware of the health risks involved with smoking.
12 :
Who stands to gain the most power if global warming induced legislation is passed? Governments and government like institutions (UN) Who controls the purse strings of grants and research subsidies.....? And I think that if you watched a little less of the "chicken little" media's coverage of global warming, you might be quite a bit less convinced of the "overwhelming" aspect of your scientific consensus.
13 :
I believe that they are the same as those who believe that it is acceptable to provide information showing that "cigarettes cause lung cancer", but then let each individual decide if they want to smoke.
14 :
The scientists who believe in global warming are the "small number". Please don't try to mislead people.
15 :
Gee I don't know maybe you could do a study and find out.
16 :
So tell me about this overwhelming scientific consensus. What percentage of climate scientists believe vs. non-believe? How credible are they? Or are you just parroting the line that people like Gore have given you that the science is settled and about the scientific consensus. Oh by the way, in times past, the scientific consensus was that the earth was flat, and that the sun orbited around the earth.
17 :
It's worse than that: As late as 1994, they were testifying before Congress saying, "I believe that nicotine is not addictive." Seven of them with the exact same words -- as if they were reading talking points off a teleprompter. By saying "I believe," they were protecting themselves against perjury: Like George Costanza said, "Jerry, it's not a lie if you believe it." Instead, they looked like liars anyway, and looked like idiots.
18 :
check your premise: don't be a sheep. the first thing you need to do is to understand the difference between GW and AGW. the second thing you need to do is understand how just saying something doesn't make it true. not for Al Gore, not for you. the third thing is to overcome fear of knowledge that doesn't support your uninformed opinion.
19 :
There is ample evidence smoking causes lung cancer. Trying to link it to global warming has a major flaw. Before man ever appeared on this planet the climate changed many times, there is plenty of proof of that. Ice ages came and went many times over, and man and his internal combustion engine and burning of fossil fuels were no where to be found. Explain that.
20 :
My neighbor is 92 and has smoked a pack a day since she was 15.. Whats your point?
21 :
I don't believe in the Easter Bunny either. Moreover...I don't believe a Liberal possesses the intelligence to discuss anything with facts, logic or common sense. They should stick to what they do best...picking on the children of Sarah Palin. Finally...if you do nothing MUST see this! This is from page 12 of the report on the last link: Impact on Employment - The assumptions driving the price of carbon allowances also affect employment. A higher predicted carbon allowance price gives producers a tighter margin and they are forced to shed jobs to maintain profit levels. The estimates of job losses range from hundreds of thousands to millions. Yep! This will be change you can believe in!
22 :
Consensus is not part of the scientific method. The scientific consensus use to be that the world was flat. In case you hadn't heard, the earth has been COOLING for years now. That is why even the radical nut-cases are calling it "climate change". Read the memos I'm sure are piling-up on your desk in your mom's basement.
23 :
The issue is not global warming per se. The issue is how and to what extent mankind's activities are contributing to it and what we need to do to slow it down and stop it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the acrid smoke billowing out of an industrial smokestack isn't doing the environment any good. It also doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when we destroy thousands of acres of rain forests every day, we are reducing the earth's ability to absorb carbon dioxide and provide oxygen. The time for the debate is over. It's now time for action (it's actually past time).
24 :
Probably. They're also probably the folks who STILL think that Saddam had a hand in 9/11.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012


My friends girlfriend told him one day that she has lung cancer but she never smoked a day in her life. She said she's been on antibiotics but they're currently not working. The doctors told her she would have to go through surgery plus start chemotherapy soon after. Is it possible to be born with it? Or even develop it at some point in a persons lifetime? By the way she is 17 years old. She also mentioned something about having Bronchitis. Can Bronchitis turn into lung cancer?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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I don't think you can be Born with it... But then again.. How can it develop? That must mean you can... Now im abit confused.
2 :
I am sorry but the girl in Q is mistaken what Doc told her. She must be having some other congenital lung problem or it is a lie. No congenital lung Ca.reported so far. May be she has some other problem. It is highly advisable for her to have second Specialist opinion.
3 :
It is rare to be born with cancer and when it happens it is never lung cancer. When babies are born with cancer it is treated immediately, not years later. If your friend’s girlfriend is under 30 years old she does not have lung cancer and antibiotics are never used to treat cancer.
4 :
There is a rare subtype of lung cancer that occurs in infants and in young children called Pleuropulmonary Blastoma. This type of cancer almost never occurs in teenagers though. Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Registry Pleuropulmonary Blastoma - Childhood Cancer It is difficult to tell from your question what is going on with this girl. It may be that she has metastatic cancer that has traveled to her lungs . . . lung cancer is generally an adult disease and other than subtypes or metastatic disease . . teens do not get lung cancer. No one knows what 'causes' lung cancer . . smoking is considered a 'risk factor' . . but there are plenty of people who smoke and never get cancer and there are patients with lung cancer who never smoked . . (all over the age of 40).

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What multivitamin tablets should be given to a Lung Cancer Patient

What multivitamin tablets should be given to a Lung Cancer Patient?
My mother 49 years female, old treated kochs, known case of non small cell carcinoma lung, post chemotherapy has been feeling weak. So what multivitamin tablets should be given to her?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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if you have a computer or a ps3 you can help find a cure
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Any kind will do . However, a diet rich in fruits, grains and vegetables should provide all the nutrients one needs to improve health, so if she is following that kind of eating plan it may not be necessary to take vitamin supplements.
3 :
There is a multivitamin that i know of at the link below it is also known to help with cancer. Check it out:
4 :
Any type of multivitamin tablet would be fine, just make sure she checks with her oncologist before she takes anything. Even a generic brand of multivitamin would be alright.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

what is the prognosis for lung cancer with secondary bone cancer

what is the prognosis for lung cancer with secondary bone cancer?
My Elderly Aut was diagnosed with Lung cancer,and she has secondary cancer as well in the bone..she is diabetic and is in poor long before we start to see a decline in her health for the worse
Cancer - 5 Answers
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Its difficult to answer as you don't say if its small cell or non small cell lung cancer. Also the fact that everyone reacts so different to the chemo treatments. I know of some people with lung cancer with diabetes that have overcome lung cancer, but they went thru a lot to get there. With chemo for the lung cancer, and likely radiation for the mets to the bone, it will take a heavy toll on your elderly aunt. Most of us (I have stage iv lung cancer) are only given close to a year after diagnosis. I've so far managed to survive three years.. others I know with my staging have only lasted weeks to a few months. My heart breaks for your aunt and your family... no one deserves cancer. My best to all of you.
2 :
I am sorry you and your family are going through this painful time. Without specific information regarding her cancer I cannot give a time frame. The diabetes is a definite complication in her treatment. Chemo and radiation will take a heavy toll. It won't be easy to manage her diabetes, but it can be done. Enjoy the weeks and months you have left with your aunt. tell her every day that you love her. Let the last words that pass between you be " I love you." . I will keep her in my prayers.
3 :
I have to be blunt but honest - if the Bone cancer is secondary to the Lung cancer the outlook is not good. The same thing happened to one my brothers, he was actually operated on - to remove some of the lungs (yes a bit of both lungs, and the operation was successful. For some reason they didn't identify that the cancer had travelled to the bones not till after the Lung Operation. In his case the secondary cancer was too far gone and he died soon afterwards. Now I hope your Aunt's diagnosis is not as bad. If she is old (I mean well over 75 the cancers takes longer to progress, but again because of that age her health in general is not so good, so one can't tell. All I hope and wish you, your family and especially your Aunt, that her suffering is not terrible. Just spend as much time as possible with her, and even if you don't know what to say to her,(that sometimes happens) just be with her, hold her hand if she doesn't feel like taking and tell her that you love her so much and that she wants you'll be there as much as you can. I understand that hopeless feeling and will be with you in my thoughts
4 :
tworobs - The prognosis is poor. How long she has remaining depends upon a couple of possibilities. When you write "secondary" bone cancer, I take it to mean the common spread of the original tumor in the lung to the bone. This is known as "metastatic" bone cancer. Predictions depend upon which type of lung cancer is present, whether there are other metastases to other organs in the body such as the brain or heart, the effect of any treatment, and the added damage of her diabetes or other bad health conditions. Thus, the remaining time could vary from a couple of weeks to about a year-and-a-half. It's hard to know. Her health is likely declining daily though it may not be visible.
5 :
o wow she is one unlucky person her health will decline probably sooner than u may think but it depends on meds or habits or food or activities can't say for sure but she probably has a while to live

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Which of the following is true of lung cancer

Which of the following is true of lung cancer?
a. It can not be caused by cigarette smoking. b. There is no known cure. c. It is the most common deadly cancer in North America. d. Lung cancer is hereditary.
Cancer - 8 Answers
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A. My great grandfather is 91 and still smokes like a chimney. All cancers are caused by viruses.
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a. It can be caused by cig . smoke b. No cure unless a lung transplant c. Not sure d. not true
4 :
B, the are no known cures for cancer. Cancers are caused by cells mutated by carcinogens, viruses or ionizing radiation.
5 :
all of the answers are true (a) states that it is possible for it not to come from cigarette smoking. meaning that everyone who has lung cancer does not necessarily smoke.
6 :
B C Smokeing # 1 cause Radon # 2 cause Exposure # 3 cause
7 :
The answer is B. It can be caused by cigarette smoking (and yes, to no green thumbs..there is lung cancer not caused by smoking, but smoking CAN cause doesn't mean everyone who has it got it from smoking, read the question/answer right). Cancer can be treated, but there is no cure. Breast cancer is the most common cancer. Lung cancer is not hereditary.
8 :
ALL OF THE ABOVE! I just lost my grandpa to lung cancer, it was awful. He smoked since he was like 16 but quit 25 years ago! I don't ever even remember him smoking. His father died the same way and was a smoker. So that makes me believe it's also hereditary. I have some family in holland that smoke like chimmneys and they never get sick, so it's all in your genes. It is not only the most deadly it is also the least funded. If you want to donate, here's a good org God Bless!

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Friday, June 8, 2012

How is chemo given to someone with lung cancer

How is chemo given to someone with lung cancer?
or any cancer at that? is it like a needle that is inserted in your arm? or what?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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My aunt had a shunt put in because the veins kept collapsing in her arms. This was 10 years ago. I am sure things change all the time though
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No, the doctors give you a surgery and they insert a port near your chest area where there are the big veins so they can absorb the chemotherapy easier.

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Is anyone caring for someone with terminal lung cancer

Is anyone caring for someone with terminal lung cancer?
My mom has terminal lung cancer and is on 24 hr oxygen. It gets difficult at times when I remember how she used to travel and was always on the go. Now there's nothing that she can do without getting short of breath. I'm sad all of the time. I don't know how I can function as well as I do at work. I just go through the motions. My dad has liver cancer and his chemo seems to be working pretty well. Is there some type of support group for people in my situation? I would like to hear from anyone that's experiencing or has experienced this situation,or anyone that can make me feel better. I'm in my fourties and so is my sister. My sister stays with Mom while I'm at work and I take over from there. There's a nurse that comes at Noon on Saturdays and stays there until Noon Sunday. That helps quite a bit.We are devastated.
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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God bless you and your family. There is support groups out there, check with the hospitals and churches in your area. I don't think anyone can understand your situation unless they have been there. Good luck
2 :
Try getting some medical marijuana for her Dont let her smoke it, learn how to cook it and make food with it. You have to cook it with butter first for like 35-45 mins on a rolling boil
3 :
try looking on this site--

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Friday, June 1, 2012

What is the life expectancy for metastic lung cancer

What is the life expectancy for metastic lung cancer?
The cancer has stread to the pluerea, lymph nodes, brain and bones, and is in a 4th stage!!! My mother is 75 and is now very very depressed! This is from 2nd hand smoke as my mother is not a smoker!!!
Cancer - 2 Answers
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I'm so very sorry for you and your mom. People that have never smoked or been around smokers also get lung cancer, so I wouldn't put blame on someone else if they are a smoker. You can only get this answer from your mom's doctor. Please make a list of questions (so you won't forget any) and give them a call. I bet they will be happy to take your call and answer your questions. I'm very sorry.
2 :
Probably months. Listen to mother wishes, make her life comfortable, give her foods she like, provide her appropriate pain killers. Allow her to meet persons she wants to meet and talk with. Maybe she wants to solve some issue with someone, arrange anything what's needed for that. If she doesn't want to go into hospital, do not push. If she doesn't want to talk about death, do not start these talks. But don't give her false hope about anything, people know from inside, what's their situation, lies don't help. Don't get nervous about how to prolong her life - this usually only ruin someones last days. Join some health forum, and talk about it, you'll get useful and probably unexpected information about dying.

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