Tuesday, January 1, 2008

lung cancer

lung cancer?
could i have lung cancer or any kind of cancer if it kinda hurts when i breath. and how do u know u have lung cancer? but i was playing in the snow outside for like 4-6 hours.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no i doubt u do! do u have asthsma??? umm it could just be cuz u were out in the cold but if it still hurts tomorrow afternoon then go to the dr. but i realy really doubt it is cancer!
2 :
That can be a number of things considering you were out in the cold.....you shouldn't assume you have cancer b/c of that. Its probably a chest cold......bronchitis, etc. Not every pain is cancer,,
3 :
Its most likely something else because when you have lung cancer, you would feel something inside your chest cavity, throw up blood or have severe problems with breathing (i.e. need apparatus to get enough oxygen) Could you elaborate a bit more? For example, is it a sharp pain or has it been for a long period of time and how old are you?
4 :
Don't think you should worry when you have lung cancer it hurts in your shoulder blades most likely it's from the cold air.
5 :